Training choices

Just a quick question: is it reasonable (ok, no it’s not, but is is possible) to train for swim meets (i.e. 1650 & 500 free) and long distance open water (5-10K+) swims simultaneously? I’ve got YMCA nationals and a 7mile “Swim Around Lido Key” within two weeks of each other!!
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 5 years ago
    If the pool is long course, absolutely yes! The training of long course 1650 and marathon distances are similar.
  • And here I was trying to use this as an excuse to skip Lido Key. . . . dang, so torn about that event, I barfed my guts up at the 5 mile mark last time, and it truly has left a bad taste in my mouth for that swim. Pun intended, hehehe
  • Thanks Flystorms - I’m already “training” for the OW, as my main workout buddy is doing the Ultraman Feb 14 (again). We routinely get in 7-10K at least once a week. I think I prefer pool events, myself, but the challenge! of long distances. . .its more mental than physical for me
  • Absolutely! Which one is first? Which one is your primary focus? You'll be surprised as you build up your distance for the OW swim that the times for your shorter distances will come down. I'd suggest on your long weekend swims to do blocks of 500s or do some pyramids 100-200-300-400-500 and back down again to build your endurance. Coach Emily's High Volume workouts on the workouts threads are really good for building distance and long speed.
  • Yes, both possible and reasonable. Jordan Wilimovsky swam the 1500 and the 10K at the 2016 Summer Olympics; with top 5 finishes in both.
  • Sure - why not? Long sets with a few sprints to break up the boredom is very doable.
  • Just a quick question: is it reasonable (ok, no it’s not, but is is possible) to train for swim meets (i.e. 1650 & 500 free) and long distance open water (5-10K+) swims simultaneously? I’ve got YMCA nationals and a 7mile “Swim Around Lido Key” within two weeks of each other!! Absolutely possible...and reasonable. Also I am going to YMCA Nationals too!
  • Celeste, the long distance stuff is definitely mind over matter once you get your body in shape. If you can already do the 7-10k in one sitting, you should be fine for the race itself. I hear that's a fun race so good luck and post up a race report on the OW thread when you're done!
  • I'll be swimming the first and last legs of the SCAR swim this year. Since I'll be in the area, I'm thinking of swimming a few events at USMS nationals. Maybe it is too much... the 1000 free the day after swimming 10 miles. Then the 500 the following day (and possibly also the 200 ***). I know I won't be breaking any records. Heck, according to my USMS results, I haven't swum either of the free events in a meet, well not SCY at least. I did a 1000 for time during a workout a few weeks ago in about 13:30, and think that would probably be a good goal time under the circumstances. What say the group? Go for it, or just relax for a few days before the 10k swim?
  • What say the group? Go for it, or just relax for a few days before the 10k swim? Go big, or go home!