I have question how to improve speed in swimming - in my case it is crawl ?
I have been swimming for 4 years. Since 2 years in local Masters Team and for me it's strange that in age category around 60-70 they can swim 100m in ~1:15sec but I swim only in 1:25-1:30. Don't mention about top swimmers, for me it is too much different.
I feel quite fit and strong - 44 of age.
Where is the most problem ? I guess - technique, but recently I feel much better catch and pull, but it is still too slow swimming. Even for 25m it is max 17:80sec from water start.
What is the best training plan for crawl ? More swimming or swimming and the gym ? More mobility ( little problem for me ) ... ?
Have I chance to achieve time close to 1 minute ever at this ege ? :)
How ?
Thanks in advance !
Former Member
It's also hard to give feedback without video. Grzbyek, can you ask somebody to shoot a video of your stroke? If we can see what you are currently doing, we can give feedback on how you could improve your speed. Along with a training plan, improving technique is KEY to improving speed!
It is my video, not good quality but maybe you can say sth how to improve my swimming :)
It's also hard to give feedback without video. Grzbyek, can you ask somebody to shoot a video of your stroke? If we can see what you are currently doing, we can give feedback on how you could improve your speed. Along with a training plan, improving technique is KEY to improving speed!
It is my video, not good quality but maybe you can say sth how to improve my swimming :)