How can I do significant progress in crawl

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Former Member
Hi, I have question how to improve speed in swimming - in my case it is crawl ? I have been swimming for 4 years. Since 2 years in local Masters Team and for me it's strange that in age category around 60-70 they can swim 100m in ~1:15sec but I swim only in 1:25-1:30. Don't mention about top swimmers, for me it is too much different. I feel quite fit and strong - 44 of age. Where is the most problem ? I guess - technique, but recently I feel much better catch and pull, but it is still too slow swimming. Even for 25m it is max 17:80sec from water start. What is the best training plan for crawl ? More swimming or swimming and the gym ? More mobility ( little problem for me ) ... ? Have I chance to achieve time close to 1 minute ever at this ege ? :) How ? Thanks in advance ! grzybek
  • What are you doing, now? How many workouts per week, how much distance, what types, etc.? What is your stroke count? I'm not going to be the best person to answer you, but it is pretty hard to give you good feedback without any background.
  • What are you doing, now? How many workouts per week, how much distance, what types, etc.? What is your stroke count? I'm not going to be the best person to answer you, but it is pretty hard to give you good feedback without any background. It's also hard to give feedback without video. Grzbyek, can you ask somebody to shoot a video of your stroke? If we can see what you are currently doing, we can give feedback on how you could improve your speed. Along with a training plan, improving technique is KEY to improving speed!
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 6 years ago
    It's also hard to give feedback without video. Grzbyek, can you ask somebody to shoot a video of your stroke? If we can see what you are currently doing, we can give feedback on how you could improve your speed. Along with a training plan, improving technique is KEY to improving speed! Hi, Today evening I will try to post some video. I have some conlusions - not to high elbow above the water, not good EVF as well. Feel quite good catch but in the most powerful moment at the end of pull I "lost" the water from hand = not good push and slide. I swim minimum 3 times a week, can be more. Two times it is training in local Masters Team. Very good trainings but maybe too small technique corrections. Tasks, tasks, ... around 2,5-3km per 1,5h training. If I go alone I do rather technique excecises 45 min. Regards, grzybek
  • It is my video, not good quality but maybe you can say sth how to improve my swimming :) Your streamline off the wall looked good! I'm not sure from this angle ( front-on view would be better), but it looks your right arm is pulling outside of your shoulder during the first half of the video (Your forearm angles out from your elbow on the pull instead of in). Both arms seem to be pulling a bit wide instead of more inside of your shoulders, and it looks like you are leading with your elbow instead of getting an early vertical forearm (EVF). You want to have your forearm angled down before you start your pull back. The video was shot with the lens zoomed in too far, so I am unable to see your entire body position. It looks to me like your legs may be sinking a bit rather than staying closer up to the surface. You want to feel like you are swimming "down hill" rather than the more up hill angle it looks like you are swimming now. Pressing your chest would help the hips and legs rise. Would it be possible to get another video with you swimming towards the camera and not zoomed in so much? I am not a coach, so I am hoping some of the coaches out there will add to what I have already written-- and correct me if I am wrong. :agree: Meanwhile, watch this video and compare it to yours:
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 6 years ago
    It's also hard to give feedback without video. Grzbyek, can you ask somebody to shoot a video of your stroke? If we can see what you are currently doing, we can give feedback on how you could improve your speed. Along with a training plan, improving technique is KEY to improving speed! It is my video, not good quality but maybe you can say sth how to improve my swimming :)
  • The power phase of your pull should start at the front quadrant, but from the video it looks like your arm is almost halfway through the pull before you put any muscle into it.
  • It is my video, not good quality but maybe you can say sth how to improve my swimming :) Not a coach, but I see two things, well.....I think I do, that you need to work on. Your left hand has a lot of wasted effort. You are not pulling rearward, and keeping your hand in a plane. You are moving it back and forth a lot. You want to keep it in a single plane. You seem to lead your pull wiht your elbow, and not your hand. hnatkin mentioned quadrants. Maybe we're saying the same thing, I'm just not familiar with those semantics. But your pull should initiate with your hand. ONce it enters, well in front of you, those fingertips need to go down. Then you pull with your hand as you start to bend with your elbow and get your forearms engaged. The upper arm is the last and least important part to engage the water. It appears that you are initiating your pull with your upper arm, and don't get nearly enough pull with your hand and forearm. I've read it described thusly: Fingers below wrist, wrist below elbow.
  • I also started in my 40’s (41 and 3 months to be exactly) Watch videos of many different pros and note the things they have common, then find what you may be doing different (e.g., as mentioned, your elbows point down during the catch). Video yourself again and take note on what helps. Practice drills. Do 25m hand timed sprints. You can always upload more videos for additional suggestions if needed. If you haven’t already, practice the other strokes. Definitely avoid anything leading to discomfort or irritation in joints. The training part itself is relatively very complicated, there are books available Maglischo “Swimming Fastest” is one, but reading it is more like studying for a course in college. Keep in mind the swimmers in their 60’s at 1 minute 100m may have spent 10,000 hours training in the pool dedicated to swimming fast. 10k hrs is 3x equivalent run time life of the engine in your car. You are doing quite good with just 4yrs. It’s a lot of effort, time, and there’s ups and downs in progress , but it’s good for you and relatively inexpensive.
  • Here is another good video I would recommend to learn the freestyle catch:
  • You have issues with your shoulder on the pull and are not setting up the arm on the catch.. but your fundamental issue is body position and rotation.