Does your swim coach....

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Former Member
...swim at all for themself? Obviously a question for those who have coaches. Odd question maybe, but I’m genuinely curious.
  • Arrieros - Yeah, off topic, so what... Contrary to all the stuff you read about eating & drinking before and after practices, I don't follow any of that. The only time I used a water bottle was during my first 10K swim. After that, if I needed water, I just drink what I am swimming in. Learned that from a good open water swimmer in Minnesota, Roger Bosveld. Faster. Have never had a bottle in practice either. I am generally never thirsty after practice and don't drink anything before practice either. if I do, I have to pee too often. As for food, nothing more than a small bowl of granola w/ milk - maybe 500 calories all told in energy content. I might have a cup of yogurt a couple of hours before I swim. No one is gonna like me saying this, but most masters athletes are not burning anywhere near the calories they think they are. Most are probably burning 200-250 calories per hour max. To burn the kind of calories the olympians report, you have to be running your heart rate in the 165-180 range for the better part of 2 hours in each practice where they are covering 16-20,000 yards/day. I know I will get push back from individuals who are pushing that hard - my comment is NOT about what you are doing. NOR am I slamming the rest of us who are swimming easier. I am just saying that swimming with your heart rate in the 100-120 range is not going to burn alot of calories. For the heck of it, you might want to estimate how many calories you consume after a practice to see if it is balanced against how much you burned. Let the outcry begin! PW
  • Arrieros - Yeah, off topic, so what... Contrary to all the stuff you read about eating & drinking before and after practices, I don't follow any of that. The only time I used a water bottle was during my first 10K swim. After that, if I needed water, I just drink what I am swimming in. Learned that from a good open water swimmer in Minnesota, Roger Bosveld. Faster. Have never had a bottle in practice either. I am generally never thirsty after practice and don't drink anything before practice either. if I do, I have to pee too often. As for food, nothing more than a small bowl of granola w/ milk - maybe 500 calories all told in energy content. I might have a cup of yogurt a couple of hours before I swim. No one is gonna like me saying this, but most masters athletes are not burning anywhere near the calories they think they are. Most are probably burning 200-250 calories per hour max. To burn the kind of calories the olympians report, you have to be running your heart rate in the 165-180 range for the better part of 2 hours in each practice where they are covering 16-20,000 yards/day. I know I will get push back from individuals who are pushing that hard - my comment is NOT about what you are doing. NOR am I slamming the rest of us who are swimming easier. I am just saying that swimming with your heart rate in the 100-120 range is not going to burn alot of calories. For the heck of it, you might want to estimate how many calories you consume after a practice to see if it is balanced against how much you burned. Let the outcry begin! PW
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