First of all: I have no idea what I'm doing. I'm a lap swimmer and do it for fun. So in open water I'm a 2:30/100m swimmer for Ironman/5k distances and back up to doing 10-12km a week in the pool with no real training plan other than a bunch of 300's to 600's until I get bored and crave coffee.
However, I did make a sizable bet with a friend of mine about who'd be the first out of the water in an Ironman later this year, so here I am.
So this is what I need help on:
1) Anyone you can recommend in the Chicago area who will look at my stroke and make corrections to make sure my mechanics are ok?
2) Is this even possible?
Is it possible fr you? IDK, but such time drops are not unheard of. Check out this video about a swimmer who went from 2:12/100 to 1:50 per 200 in less than 5 months, and all the way to 1:32/100 in just under 2 years.
In addition to stroke, I'd change up your training plans. Believe it or not, working in some sprint and threshold workouts helps your distance pace. When I first started adding them in my training I saw my per 100 pace drop significantly.
I agree with srcoyote.
You should try doing some 50's or 100's on an interval, rather than just plodding through longer distances.
Swim a 100, see how long it takes you. Add :30 to it and hold 5 or 10 of them on that interval. When that gets easy, take :10 away from each interval. Not all in one day, mind you, but over time you will note that they get easier to hold, and faster.
Let s know how yo are doing!