I had cataract surgery some years ago and have to wear reading glasses for up close. My vision beyond 6 ft is 20/20. I do not need Rx glasses, only magnifiers. So I need a pair of goggles to read my swim watch. I get to the end of a set and see the lap count but have great difficulty reading the time. Reading glasses cost only about $10 vs hundreds for Rx glasses. Where do I get "reading" goggles?
Many manufacturers make inexpensive goggles in negative diopter strengths. They are not custom like prescription lenses but they are good enough for nearsighted swimmers such as me to read the pace clock or scoreboard from a distance. I have never seen goggles in positive diopter strengths like reading glasses, though.
Someone told me about these stick-on magnifying lenses a few months ago. I meant to get some to see how they'd work on swim goggles. I never got around to it...but I think it'd be an easy solution.
Positive diopter prescription googles are less common than negative diopter ones, but do exist. This site (which I've bought from) has 12 different positive diopter goggle options: www.prescription-swimming-goggles.com/swimming-goggles.html
Thanks gang. I didn't know that term diopter. That made it a snap. Swimoutlet $12, and I should have them by Jan 1st to kick off the new year training logs. I turn 70 in January, so workouts may become more focused and competitive.