first meet....can't jump in from blocks :)

I basically started seriously swimming this past May at 51 y/o.....I swam five 5k's and a 10k this summer and finally hooked up with a master team to start figuring out how to really learn how to swim and learn the strokes. Anyway, I need to swim with ear plugs, just no way around it, I've tried without and always end up with swimmers ear or an actual ear infection. I've tried jumping from the blocks, and I can't do it without losing my ear plugs. I've been told that masters do not have to start from the blocks, but at my first meet this upcoming Sunday in Munster, IN, who do I inform that I want to start in the pool, or do I even have to? I'm trying a 500 and 1650, starting from the blocks is probably more important for the 500 than the 1650. Any advice would be very helpful Thanks
  • Tell us about the swims you did.
  • ... I'm going to look into some earplug alternatives....the drops do not prevent my problem which is the eustachian tubes getting water in them.....water proof tape may be the answer? Unless you have a torn/punctured ear drum, I don't see how earplugs or tape will keep water from getting into your Eustachian tubes because the tympanic membrane separates the external auditory canal from the middle and inner ear. If you are getting water into your Eustachian tubes it must be entering through your nose or mouth. For me, getting washed by an unexpected wave during backstroke is the quickest way to get water in all sorts of places water is not supposed to go. Some folks use nose plugs but mostly keeping the water out is a learned skill.
  • 500 and 1650.....I really enjoyed the 1650 since I'm much more of an endurance person....I'm starting to learn how to *** stroke and back stroke and would like to eventually try that.....I think I have the ear issue figured out with some custom fitted ear plugs, now I just need to figure out how to keep my goggles on when I dive in...
  • Tighten your goggles up just a touch more than in practice. You also should tuck your chin to your chest as you dive in and wearing a cap over your straps helps keep them in place as well.
  • Once in a while, I do have the opportunity to dive off from the deck at the pool where I practice. And it took me several test dives to realize that regardless how tight my googles were, even when the straps are under the caps, my chin is tucked, my googles would always slip off. Turns out, its the goggles I was using. So I got a different set of googles and they stay on when I dive in. They have become my default goggles during swim meets.
  • I guess I didn't think of trying different 15 y/o daughter finally gave me some advice, so I'm hoping this will help; She said to position the top strap very high, and the suction of the goggles should "push-up"
  • Sometimes keeping goggles sealed means going through dozens of low profile styles until you find the right one. Regarding ears, I suffered throughout my first 8 years of swimming with ear problems with numerous trips to the doctor. Found out the earplugs were the cause and the contact with water was just a catalyst. Little over a year ago I just quit using ear plugs altogether and use a cap for every swim. After swimming I rinse with a few drops of a homemade mixture (1 part everclear, 1 part vinegar, small portion of glycerin). Have not had any ear trouble since.