Stinging skin advise

Former Member
Former Member
Appreciate any advise.. My skin stings when I put on moisturizer (arms, shins, stomach, knees) and I am wondering if the chlorine has something to do with it. There is some itchiness afterwards which I am just about able to control. This happens even after a regular shower, and I am being careful not to use hot water. There are no obvious spots or discoloration on the skin that I can see. And my wife (not a swimmer) complains about the same thing, saying I brought it onto her :) Internet gives different advise - some don't advise putting on too much moisturizer. I am fairly fit ( not overweight or diabetic,) swim 3-4 times a week, 52 years old. This is a recent phenomenon, don't remember having this stinging until this year. I did have a case that seemed like MRSA a year back which went away, That time, I consulted with 3 doctors, and one of the doctors thought it was gout not MRSA. So, what might this be, and his a good skin care procedure folks recommend ? Is this something to be shown to a doctor - given my previous experience, I am not sure if I will get a consistent diagnosis from doctors though.
  • The chlorine is most likely causing your skin to dry out more than normal. I find that certain brands of lotions are worse than others when it comes to stinging and burning. I prefer Jergen's line of moisturizers because I don't get the after-burn and it doesn't feel heavy after slathering it all over myself. I will ONLY use Neutragena face lotion on my face, as my face is extra sensitive. I also will only use Ivory soap, after having enough bad reactions growing up with deodorant soaps.
  • Try a fragrance free lotion for sensitive skin. I swear by Cetaphil lotion, and the cream works great on the driest spots (feet, knees, and elbows).
  • Curel works wonders for me and I can even use it on my face. After moisturizing try wearing a t-shirt or something to help hold the moisture in. After a couple of applications the issue should subside. If not, refer to a dermatologist because I am not one and I certainly didn't stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night (I know the commercial is getting old now but...).
  • At my old pool, which was full of chemicals, I'd rinse off afterwards then spray down with sesame oil before toweling off. It helped, especially in hard to reach areas like my back.