lower back

Former Member
Former Member
Hello , Just wanted to share my story and get some advice/suggestions from you all ... I have a lower back(left) pain since a year and a little over a month got into water and its been awesome feeling since then .. if I skip swim then I feel miserable and the pain comes back. I started with gasping for breath at the end of 25 m pool and would be out of the pool by 150 m in the first week and then gradually it moved to 300 ( Wonder how some of you keep track of the laps , I started with Monday -breakfast done , lunch done , dinner done over for marking as 300 m done ) and these days i can go upto 750m with a three breaks. At the end of 700 I don't feel like stopping and want to keep going , but fear that I might be over doing and might burn out of this so I "treat" myself with another 50 m and get out of the pool and can feel the body buring hot on the skin( i swim in an indoor pool ) . I am 40 and all day i sit on a desk doing computer stuff for work .. and go swim after work .... I swim freestyle .. Any suggestions how to keep this going and not burn out and better on this .. I am learning on youtube the techniques to swim better and implement one at a time everyday .... I am in Prague, CZ. Thanks a tonn , Cheers Umesh
  • I have a condition called "spondylolisthesis". That is where the vertebrae shift relative to one another. The offset between two of them pinched the sciatic nerve in the back and I got terrible pain from the hip, down the leg, and all the way to the ankle. It was caused by arthritis eroding the spinal bone, I am 69 now, but it developed slowly over several years. I always thought it was a hip injury from running since I was primarily a runner for 40 years. About a year ago the pain became so intense I was incapacitated for weeks. I had to use a walker or cane to move around. I went to 3 different doctors and 2 physical therapists. They all said the same thing. Your running days are over, stop running! But you can swim. Swimming is great for it. I can now walk and swim and cycle with no pain, as long as I do not run. I have since done a 1 mile open water swim, two indoor swim meets and even a sprint triathlon where I walked the 5Km. I was not new to swimming since I had worked as a lifeguard when I was young and swam laps off and on to supplement my running training. I could do probably 200 meters the first time in the pool after the injury. I swam 3 days a week and increased the distance a little each week until I could do about 1500m non-stop. I swim mostly front crawl, but do fairly well for short distances in backstroke and *** stroke. I cannot do butterfly. None of it gives me any back pain. BTW, I use a Swimovate Poolmate watch to count my laps. It records time, laps, strokes, efficiency, etc. It doesn't do much more than record time in open water.
  • Umesh, Congratulation on getting in the pool and finding swimming. I'm 56 and have had lower back issues most of my life. First surgery for bulging disc was in my mid-20s. And, like you, swimming as always seemed to help reduce/relieve the pain. One thing that I've noticed over the years, and I've passed along to others with back issues is that for some unproven reason swimming backstroke provides even more relief. Doesn't have to be back crawl...just any stroke while on your back in the water. It may not work for you...but for many it does. Good luck and keep up the good work. Dan
  • Congratulations! I have a similar story...2 degenerated discs in low back. Freestyle is good and backstroke. Be careful with *** and fly. I find that a gentle warm up helps and open turns are easier on the back. Get a swim watch to help you keep track and makes it fun too! Good luck and keep it up! Karen