Video 200m backstroke

Former Member
Former Member
Hi guys, here my video of 200m backstroke race this weekend on the german masters.I am swimming in the Lane 4 in front. My time was 2:20,47 Please let me know what you mean on my technique or anything else. Thank you.
  • Well, if you want my two cents... First of all, excellent start and turns. You also move a lot of water with each stroke, so don't take too much criticism from anyone. I'm not really sure, but it looks like you may be entering with your hand a little bit behind your head (more with your right than your left). I would work on entering directly behind your shoulder. I would also like to see you hips higher in the water and rotating a little more to help drive your shoulders. One final point is that I remember you posting about your 100 back a while ago. Obviously just guessing here, but I would bet your biggest issue there is turnover rate. I used to be a 200 backstroker and tried to use a stroke similar to yours for the 100 as well, and it just didn't work. The 100 has to be swum with a much higher turnover. All in all, a very good 200.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 7 years ago
    Nice swim! Besides doing a lot of things very well (some previously mentioned by Ron), viewing from my mother iPhone, 1. the reaction to the start looked a bit slow. 2. Drifted towards the land line on the 3rd 50 3. Tilting your chin up will likely help you become a smaller profile 4. combine #3 with more shoulder & hip rotation will aid in generating more power with the long stroke you already have. 5. Nice work building the race. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 7 years ago
    Yeah my reaction time was very slow over 0.9..Have to work on these little things you have mentioned to get better. I feel my 200m time could be a little bit faster right now than 2:20 but I need someone in my range to swim against him and to fight the video It looks like I am almost falling at sleep...
  • Very nice swim. IDK your age group, but regardless, that is a very competitive time. What were your splits? It looked like you had quite a lot of gas left in the tank for the final 50. Could you afford to go after it a little more aggressively?
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 7 years ago
    Age group is 35-39. Its my 4th year now.My splits are: 32,6/35,6/36,2/36,0..Indeed usually I am going a little faster the first 100m...the last important race at the euros last year I split 31,9 and 35,2...and finished 2:18,9..
  • Age group is 35-39. Its my 4th year now.My splits are: 32,6/35,6/36,2/36,0..Indeed usually I am going a little faster the first 100m...the last important race at the euros last year I split 31,9 and 35,2...and finished 2:18,9.. Very nicely split! Maybe bring on the finishing charge ~15-25 m earlier. You are a full 20s faster than my best though, so mostly I'm just vicariously enjoying your race.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 7 years ago
    Hi guys, here my video of 200m backstroke race this weekend on the german masters.I am swimming in the Lane 4 in front. My time was 2:20,47 Please let me know what you mean on my technique or anything else. Thank you. :applaud: