After my last meet, my coach told me to cool down/warm down, otherwise I was going to get sore the next day. I did a 25y double arm back and got out of the pool. Next day, I didn't feel sore at all. I know the warm downs are good anyways for recovery, but how much of a warm down should I be doing? I would typically do 50y, 100y and 200y free events, and I'm always on the first heat (super slow swimmer here!). Would you recommend warming down in between events, if time permits? What type of warm downs do you usually do?
As above, it works some of the lactic acid out of the muscles. Yes, you will feel better, maybe not 100% of compared to doing nothing as to race speed or a really hard workout.
As above, it works some of the lactic acid out of the muscles. Yes, you will feel better, maybe not 100% of compared to doing nothing as to race speed or a really hard workout.