Your most crazy events list at a meet

Any one want to share the most "crazy" events at a meet (or back to back meets)? I see these as challenges and would like to hear from others that do things people call "crazy".
  • In a local meet , I finished the 400 I'm and moved over one lane to do the 200 back 20 seconds later. The official looked at me and shook his head!
  • In a local meet , I finished the 400 I'm and moved over one lane to do the 200 back 20 seconds later. The official looked at me and shook his head! :applaud: I do back-to-back's at a lot of meets and never shy away from them. Way to go!
  • YAY!!! :applaud: I do back-to-back's at a lot of meets and never shy away from them. Way to go!
  • Go Orca! You beat me. I've done the 400 IM as the first event and then moved over 2 lanes to do the 50 back. I'm a slacker. I did the 200 fly and 50 back but that's it. In a local meet , I finished the 400 I'm and moved over one lane to do the 200 back 20 seconds later. The official looked at me and shook his head!
  • Go Orca! You beat me. I've done the 400 IM as the first event and then moved over 2 lanes to do the 50 back. I'm a slacker. I did the 200 fly and 50 back but that's it. Nobody racing 200 fly is a slacker! :applaud:
  • Ever notice that the refs do notice us that do this back to back events and make comments to us. I guess they really do pay attention.
  • Riverton (Portland, Maine) Mini meet in 2012 : 3.5 hours from beginning to end. 400 IM, 200 fly, 50 ***, 1500 free. Ouch. :joker:
  • I participated in my first ever swim meet as a middle aged adult in October 2016 with no idea what was appropriate. I did 200 y back, 100 y IM, 200 free relay, and 500 free. I'm calling the IM crazy because I'm a total beginner at fly having started learning it the month before. I could only barely do the 25 fly and was grateful for the edge that diving off the blocks gave me. For the record, I wasn't last place in the IM because a better swimmer got DQd for illegal turns.
  • Today at the Sewanee, Tennessee meet: 200 fly, 50 ***, 400 IM, 200 Back, 200 ***, and 200 Free in 3 hours. I was the only woman to do the "800 IM Challenge", and one of just two of us out of 78 people at the meet. (The other was Alex Bruce, the meet organizer.) I threw in the 400 IM to make it an "Ironman Pentathlon" to match the meet I do in September, and added the 50 *** for my last event to make it my biggest one day ever at a meet. It was FUN! :bliss:
  • YES YES!!! Way to go EK. By the way I thought of you today: 200 IM, 100 fly, 100 back, 200 free, 50 fly, 100 free, 25 ***, 25 fly, *** on a 100 relay, free on another relay, and 25 as best as you could free with an inner tube. Gotta keep up the spirit!!! Today at the Sewanee, Tennessee meet: 200 fly, 50 ***, 400 IM, 200 Back, 200 ***, and 200 Free in 3 hours. I was the only woman to do the "800 IM Challenge", and one of just two of us out of 78 people at the meet. (The other was Alex Bruce, the meet organizer.) I threw in the 400 IM to make it an "Ironman Pentathlon" to match the meet I do in September, and added the 50 *** for my last event to make it my biggest one day ever at a meet. It was FUN! :bliss: