Thoughts on how much a 12 year old boy should swim

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My son is twelve and I am a little concerned about his training. It's a lot of butterfly and a lot of distance. I have heard other coaches say that 12 year olds should focus on technique and fun. He loves swimming, he loves working hard (yes, he really does!), he loves doing butterfly. Example of his training this morning - 6x ( 2x100 fly, 100 back/*** - all on 1:30). His average time on the fly is 1:10. Is this too much? His goal is to win at least 8 golds at JO's and be in the Olympic trials in 2020. He swims 5-6 times per week. I am not sure if I should pull back a little. His coach (he was a bronze medalist in the Olympics) says my son's workout is nothing compared to his when he was young. Any thoughts on this?
  • I have heard other coaches say that 12 year olds should focus on technique and fun. He loves swimming, he loves working hard (yes, he really does!), he loves doing butterfly. I agree focus on fun and technique. If he loves it then he is having fun. Right? Is this too much? … His coach (he was a bronze medalist in the Olympics) says my son's workout is nothing compared to his when he was young. Any thoughts on this?You are blessed to have an Olympian for a coach. You will be much better served meeting with the coach and your son to set realistic short and long term goals. His goal is to win at least 8 golds at JO's and be in the Olympic trials in 2020.There were less than 100 male swimmers under 17 at the 2016 Olympic Trails, so this is a pretty tall order for your son. I suggest checking out the USA Swimming Swims system; it is a great resource to see how your son’s times stack up to others. The 2016 trials cut for the 100 fly was 54.79 (long course meters). There were five 16 year olds that made the qualifying time in the 100 and four in the 200, so it is possible, if a long shot.
  • So 1,200 yards of fly total? No, that's not too much.
  • Great goals!!!! And, no, not too much.
  • dear swim mom i agree with your son's coach. he is probably not doing anything near what i went. back then it was more about yardage than quality...yet (and i have several teammates to prove it) the yardage certainly did its part in helping us excel. a lot has to do with genetics. michael andrews at age 12 - 6foot 5inches me 5foot 5 inches. that extra foot would have been nice if you look at the guys from Rio its clear to see that swimming has become a 6foot 3 and above sport for men fyi - there has been a total of 3 National Age Group Record Holders in the 100m Butterfly for 11-12 boys in the last 50 years Chas still has the top spot and might just keep it for all time...the record he broke still is hanging on in top 100 all time
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 7 years ago
    My son is twelve and I am a little concerned about his training. It's a lot of butterfly and a lot of distance. I have heard other coaches say that 12 year olds should focus on technique and fun. He loves swimming, he loves working hard (yes, he really does!), he loves doing butterfly. Example of his training this morning - 6x ( 2x100 fly, 100 back/*** - all on 1:30). His average time on the fly is 1:10. Is this too much? His goal is to win at least 8 golds at JO's and be in the Olympic trials in 2020. He swims 5-6 times per week. I am not sure if I should pull back a little. His coach (he was a bronze medalist in the Olympics) says my son's workout is nothing compared to his when he was young. Any thoughts on this? True, I don't think its much yardage at 12 I swam on novice teams and the yardage was more around 1,000 yards,mainly freestyle and Im workouts.