Do you have to be on a team to swim at a meet?

Former Member
Former Member
I have been swimming for fitness for several years and sometimes time myself just to trick myself into swimming harder and more. Anyway, the time of day and expense of our local masters team does not appeal to me but I would like to try to compete at a meet sometime. Do I have to be on a team to do so? If so, are there any free teams to join that I could join in name only in order to qualify? Finally, where do I find the rules for masters swim meets (for example, I wondered if I have to do flip turns). FYI from reviewing the motivational times I am probably a BB and maybe could become an A in my age group, which is over 50. Thanks! PS I am new to the forum and did try searching this but I think the words are so common on the forum that I could not narrow down the results to find answers so if it has been asked and answered a lot, I apologize.
  • I have been swimming for fitness for several years and sometimes time myself just to trick myself into swimming harder and more. Anyway, the time of day and expense of our local masters team does not appeal to me but I would like to try to compete at a meet sometime. Do I have to be on a team to do so? If so, are there any free teams to join that I could join in name only in order to qualify? Finally, where do I find the rules for masters swim meets (for example, I wondered if I have to do flip turns). FYI from reviewing the motivational times I am probably a BB and maybe could become an A in my age group, which is over 50. Thanks! PS I am new to the forum and did try searching this but I think the words are so common on the forum that I could not narrow down the results to find answers so if it has been asked and answered a lot, I apologize. Welcome. No you do not need to be a member of a specific team. When you register to become a member of USMS you can select "unattached". Similarly there are "umbrella teams". (See definitions below.) Most meets listed on USMS require you to be a USMS member, however there are a few meets (at least in my area) that do not require you to be a member. Not sure, but there may be an additional meet registration fee to register as a non-USMS member. Flip turns are not required. Rules; Main page - Swimming Rules - Unattached: (definition taken from NJ masters) For swimmers wishing to not affiliate with a club when registering with USMS, their club designation will consist of the letters UC followed by the LMSC number. The “club” name and abbreviation will be the same - for New Jersey, it is UC07. UC07 swimmers will continue to be ineligible for competing on relays or for a group of these swimmers to compete for team points, but may otherwise participate in all USMS activities, including practices and meets as an individual. This is the default "club" for swimmers who do not select a specific club affiliation. Umbrella team: (definition taken from NJ masters) Garden State Masters: The "umbrella team" for the many scattered workout groups throughout Northern and Central New Jersey; provides relay swimming opportunities for otherwise isolated swimmers
  • Some good info in the previous post. I would just offer that I swam in my first Masters meet "unattached" a year ago when I was training on my own. It was a little bit scary climbing on the blocks for the first time in 40 years, but I had a blast. I was also pleasantly surprised by how supportive and welcoming the other swimmers were, especially when they found out I was a "newbie". The experience was enough to get me to retire from my triathlon career (and the sore runner's knees) to become a full-time swimmer again. Joined my Masters team a week later and have never looked back. Good luck & have fun!
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 7 years ago
    Thank you both for replying! All my initial questions are answered. I tried to work on flip turns today but boy do I hate them. Looking forward to trying a meet in the coming year.
  • If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask. One thing that surprised me at my first masters meet was how fast the meet moved along. Get to the blocks a heat or two before your heat goes off. Also speaking of starting blocks, you are not required to go off of them, in the water starts are legal. If you have questions at the meet, don't be shy, just ask. Most other swimmers will be glad to help you out.
  • Let us know how the meet goes. Welcome to the forums.