DQ because of a backstroke finish rule- WTF?!?!

Former Member
Former Member
It was my 2nd DQ for my whole life (first if I was ten) I got disqualified last sunday on the german masters championchips because of the dumbest rule I ever heard. There is a rule you have NOT to be submerge on the finish on the backstroke. WTF is this bs.?!? This rule make no sense to me. You have no advantage. I mean you are almost always submerge, if you finished at backstroke or not??? btw I finished first with 5 second ahead
  • I know it stinks to get DQed, but I don't really think it's a stupid rule. The idea is you must surface by 15 meters and then stay on the surface until the next turn or the finish. Finishing underwater, by definition, goes against this. Just start finishing legally every day at practice and it will become second nature.
  • I know it stinks to get DQed, but I don't really think it's a stupid rule. The idea is you must surface by 15 meters and then stay on the surface until the next turn or the finish. Finishing underwater, by definition, goes against this. Just start finishing legally every day at practice and it will become second nature.
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