DQ because of a backstroke finish rule- WTF?!?!

Former Member
Former Member
It was my 2nd DQ for my whole life (first if I was ten) I got disqualified last sunday on the german masters championchips because of the dumbest rule I ever heard. There is a rule you have NOT to be submerge on the finish on the backstroke. WTF is this bs.?!? This rule make no sense to me. You have no advantage. I mean you are almost always submerge, if you finished at backstroke or not??? btw I finished first with 5 second ahead
  • Sorry to hear about your DQ Martin, hopefully it wasn't your best swim in your age group. Unfortunately we don't get to find out what DQ times were. www.youtube.com/watch Pausing at 0:26, could this bk to br turn result in a DQ? As he touches the wall, his feet and hands are under, not sure if belly is surfaced, but from a judges standpoint it could appear as such.
  • Sorry to hear about your DQ Martin, hopefully it wasn't your best swim in your age group. Unfortunately we don't get to find out what DQ times were. www.youtube.com/watch Pausing at 0:26, could this bk to br turn result in a DQ? As he touches the wall, his feet and hands are under, not sure if belly is surfaced, but from a judges standpoint it could appear as such.
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