Medically mandated week off from swimming... tips?

Hey all, Have to have a skin cancer removed (nothing serious--basal cell) tomorrow, and the doctor says no swimming for a week. He says running is okay, though, which I plan to do. But I'm wondering if you have other tips on dryland stuff I can do in the meantime. The affected area is my arm, but I don't see that as a huge problem--though the doctor might restrict weight/strength training involving arm movements. Have to check w/ him about that. What are your thoughts on this? I'm fortunate in that I enjoy running, so at least I won't be totally driven batty by the week lay-off. Thanks for your suggestions!
  • You are welcome. Some people never do anything and here we are pushing the docs to let us do our thing faster. I know, right? As a runner, I've dealt with it too--I remember asking a physical therapist about running as an injury was healing, saying I was just going to do something short, like three miles, and she's like, "that's really LONG!" And as a 60something athlete, I get that sometimes from friends if I mention being injured. "Well, you ARE getting older." And I'm thinking, "your point being?" I hope to swim and run as long as I have the body to do it. Of course, with running, my times are slowing down--but I notice I'm getting some swimming PRs which is too cool for words! But I don't let the slower times stop me from running either b/c (a) others in my age group are also slowing down, so I still have a chance to compete in my age group, and (b) I enjoy it, so why not! (Both of these are true of swimming as well as running, I should note.)
  • You are welcome. Some people never do anything and here we are pushing the docs to let us do our thing faster. I know, right? As a runner, I've dealt with it too--I remember asking a physical therapist about running as an injury was healing, saying I was just going to do something short, like three miles, and she's like, "that's really LONG!" And as a 60something athlete, I get that sometimes from friends if I mention being injured. "Well, you ARE getting older." And I'm thinking, "your point being?" I hope to swim and run as long as I have the body to do it. Of course, with running, my times are slowing down--but I notice I'm getting some swimming PRs which is too cool for words! But I don't let the slower times stop me from running either b/c (a) others in my age group are also slowing down, so I still have a chance to compete in my age group, and (b) I enjoy it, so why not! (Both of these are true of swimming as well as running, I should note.)
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