Medically mandated week off from swimming... tips?

Hey all, Have to have a skin cancer removed (nothing serious--basal cell) tomorrow, and the doctor says no swimming for a week. He says running is okay, though, which I plan to do. But I'm wondering if you have other tips on dryland stuff I can do in the meantime. The affected area is my arm, but I don't see that as a huge problem--though the doctor might restrict weight/strength training involving arm movements. Have to check w/ him about that. What are your thoughts on this? I'm fortunate in that I enjoy running, so at least I won't be totally driven batty by the week lay-off. Thanks for your suggestions!
  • Google Yoga for Swimmers. Good stuff.
  • You can always ride a bike. :D
  • Google Yoga for Swimmers. Good stuff. +1! Race Club has some great videos. I found them a few weeks ago, and I have incorporated some of the exercises into my post-swim routine on deck.
  • New wrinkle--have to have this done in two parts--thought I would be done with everything today but they told me they'd need to remove the other lesions next Tuesday. Fortunately, the doctor says I can swim some during the weekend if I use liquid bandage plus waterproof bandage. He's not so keen on my doing any kind of lifting, although leg strengthening is okay, as is yoga. But this means two weeks of limited swimming. At first, the underlings were telling me, NO swimming for a month. That was doing so many numbers on my mind that I was very relieved to have the head doctor tell me I could swim as long as I was REALLY careful of keeping the area covered. Okay, a bump in the road, not the end of the road--but still a bummer b/c I want to be ready for (a) the Great South Bay Swim in July and (b) if I make the lottery, the Boston Light Swim in August, maybe even (c) the Valley Forge Marathon Swim in September (although may just do that one as a relay or volunteer it). Could use some encouraging words. Feel a bit crestfallen not to have the whole thing done today. There were three things to remove, but I thought they'd do them all and I could get on w/ things. I know, I know--people deal w/ so much worse (including someone close to me), and I'm working on getting that perspective back, but meanwhile.... Thanks for any support!
  • Thanks for your thoughts! With the recent snowstorm, bike riding doesn't much appeal to me, although I may well do a spin class. Yoga is something I definitely should get back to, and thanks for the yoga for swimmers idea! Also looking at TRX. Started doing class in that, and it's merciless! :) Anyone do body pump? Wondering about that too. Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
  • For the encouragement - 2 years ago I was 2 months out from Swim Around Key West and training hard. I strained a lat to the point where I couldn't do any more than 100y, let alone the 14+k I needed to train. I was out of the pool for almost 10+ days, I think. I seriously considered pulling out of the race. Someone convinced me otherwise and I ended up doing the race without pain and finished well. You're so far out now, you still can reach those goals. Don't give up on them for a 2 week hiatus. Keep working on your aerobic endurance wherever you can. The body adjusts and once you pop back in the water, you'll be normal again in short order. Workout suggestion - I can't see where you live, but if you have an Orangetheory Fitness near you, check out one or two of their classes. They are a great, total body workout and they have very competent trainers who can adjust for your needs. Every 60 minute class is different than the last day you did it. It incorporates treadmills, water rowers, and a weight room/plyometrics. It has been such an amazing addition for cross-training for my distance swimming.
  • Let's see --- planks -front -side and back. then try TRX any of 30 different modes. Push ups from knee and full. bicep curls with wts. or bags with cans in it. squats with same bag of cans down to a chair and up to tip toes . run in place during any tv commercial. Let me know if this is a reality for you. I did this type of stuff when after my 5th hip operation , I could not swim for 4 months. I know it sounds hinnky, but this all adds up!
  • Hey thanks, Orca and Flystorms! Had a moment of utter panic when nurse and resident told me I'd have to stop swimming for a month. The head Dr said I could even swim with the sutures as long as I waited 3 days, used liquid bandage, and waterproof bandage on top of that. So some swimming during the wknd was OKed, but he wants me to hold off on push-ups or plank. I have to go back Tuesday, same deal. So many have worse things. I have to keep my perspective. .... but I was at least relieved that the Dr understood. Sometimes it's hard for med staff to get that some patients are moving targets, not gonna sit on couches until we're pronounced cured. I'll check out I live in the Philly area, and I haven't heard of them, but hopefully I'll find them. Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
  • You are welcome. Some people never do anything and here we are pushing the docs to let us do our thing faster.
  • You are welcome. Some people never do anything and here we are pushing the docs to let us do our thing faster. I know, right? As a runner, I've dealt with it too--I remember asking a physical therapist about running as an injury was healing, saying I was just going to do something short, like three miles, and she's like, "that's really LONG!" And as a 60something athlete, I get that sometimes from friends if I mention being injured. "Well, you ARE getting older." And I'm thinking, "your point being?" I hope to swim and run as long as I have the body to do it. Of course, with running, my times are slowing down--but I notice I'm getting some swimming PRs which is too cool for words! But I don't let the slower times stop me from running either b/c (a) others in my age group are also slowing down, so I still have a chance to compete in my age group, and (b) I enjoy it, so why not! (Both of these are true of swimming as well as running, I should note.)