You know your a swimmer continued.

Former Member
Former Member
You know your a swimmer when you walk into a indoor pool and inhale deeply enjoying the aroma of cholirine. You know your a swimmer when you know the exact site of every indoor and outdoor pool where you have been station. You know your a swimmer when after six long weeks of basic trianing you are released to do what ever you want and you go for a swim.:cool:
  • WOW! I canâ€Tmt believe the forum servers even store posts for 18 years. How many pages back did you have to go to find that? DanI went back to the last page I could find and looked for a post that might still have relevance. I guess I was bored! But, maybe the message to USMS digital leaders is that we once had, for almost two decades, a lively, engaging forum. I think we could have it again. I think a private/purpose-focused forum is better than Facebook or Instagram. Those platforms are fine for broadcasting, but the business/social world of 2020 and beyond is all about narrowcasting and hyper-segmenting content to the audience. I gather that USMS is putting in place a new digital platform ... I just hope it will have discussion / collaboration features like the Forums do/did and that USMS will promote the heck out of it. A committed and engaged community is a terrible thing to waste. As we probably still won't have much in the way of IRL events in 2021, it's now or never to rebuild a vibrant, digitally engaged, global, Masters swimming community.
  • WOW! I canâ€Tmt believe the forum servers even store posts for 18 years. How many pages back did you have to go to find that? DanI went back to the last page I could find and looked for a post that might still have relevance. I guess I was bored! But, maybe the message to USMS digital leaders is that we once had, for almost two decades, a lively, engaging forum. I think we could have it again. I think a private/purpose-focused forum is better than Facebook or Instagram. Those platforms are fine for broadcasting, but the business/social world of 2020 and beyond is all about narrowcasting and hyper-segmenting content to the audience. I gather that USMS is putting in place a new digital platform ... I just hope it will have discussion / collaboration features like the Forums do/did and that USMS will promote the heck out of it. A committed and engaged community is a terrible thing to waste. As we probably still won't have much in the way of IRL events in 2021, it's now or never to rebuild a vibrant, digitally engaged, global, Masters swimming community.
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