You know your a swimmer continued.

Former Member
Former Member
You know your a swimmer when you walk into a indoor pool and inhale deeply enjoying the aroma of cholirine. You know your a swimmer when you know the exact site of every indoor and outdoor pool where you have been station. You know your a swimmer when after six long weeks of basic trianing you are released to do what ever you want and you go for a swim.:cool:
  • Resurrecting an ancient post to see if there's any life left in the forums. You know you're a swimmer when you're so tired from swimming you're not even able to spell properly. Less snarky, but all 2020, you know you're a swimmer when your pools are closed due to another COVID-19 lockdown, it's only been 3 days and you're fantasizing about jumping in a nearly frozen lake on New Year's Day ... anything to get the feeling of immersion even if the water temp will be around 40F.
  • Resurrecting an ancient post to see if there's any life left in the forums. You know you're a swimmer when you're so tired from swimming you're not even able to spell properly. Less snarky, but all 2020, you know you're a swimmer when your pools are closed due to another COVID-19 lockdown, it's only been 3 days and you're fantasizing about jumping in a nearly frozen lake on New Year's Day ... anything to get the feeling of immersion even if the water temp will be around 40F.
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