Relearning backstroke

Former Member
Former Member
I have to say the last few months have been quite a revelation for me in my backstroke technique. I always muddled through backstroke sets knowing I was floundering, but I'm starting to really enjoy it. Most of it is good, check that I'm definitely faster, but I feel I'm leaving some serious propulsion on the table. Wondering if any of the backstroke mavens here might have some insight for me please. I way over rotated, but am now probably rotating 30* according to eyes on deck. Net effect was my shoulders liked less rotation and now that I'm spending less time rotating my stroke rate has picked up a bit where it was way slow. Seems like maybe I have picked up the harder parts(entry and catch), but am lagging behind on the uptake on how to keep connected with the water once I get down to maybe mid torso. I just feel like I'm losing my grip. I have watched so many videos of Lochte and other studs and in my minds eye I see it, but just have not had success putting it together in the water. I'm a huge fan of sculling and I definitely know what it feels like when my paddle disengages. Yuk! Are they any suggestions you might have for someone who, at least by my coaches eye, has the body position doable and entry catch passable? BUT seemingly is stuck in neutral on the back half of the power phase? Thank you in advance, Lame Backstroker
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