stopping or lessening menstrual flow

Former Member
Former Member
Any advice for natural ways to delay/stop or at least lessen your period? Mine is out of control lately to the point where swimming on day 1 is impossible and even day 2 is questionable. Of course Im on track to get it right in time for my big meet. My OB gave me a sample pack of BC (Lo Loestrin Fe) as the only option to address this, but Im worried about starting it now and getting all kinds of side effects right before the meet too. I feel like its a no-win situation. I think I would rather try other ways to attempt to delay it or at least lessen it and see what kind of luck I have rather than pump un-needed hormones in my body. Help please!!
  • Don't know anything for the short term, but long term, check with your OB/GYN to see if Seasonale would be a good BC alternative for you. It gives you a period only every 3 months - great for an athlete.
  • Any advice for natural ways to delay/stop or at least lessen your period? Mine is out of control lately to the point where swimming on day 1 is impossible and even day 2 is questionable. Of course Im on track to get it right in time for my big meet. My OB gave me a sample pack of BC (Lo Loestrin Fe) as the only option to address this, but Im worried about starting it now and getting all kinds of side effects right before the meet too. I feel like its a no-win situation. I think I would rather try other ways to attempt to delay it or at least lessen it and see what kind of luck I have rather than pump un-needed hormones in my body. Help please!! :( That can definitely wreck a meet, and has for me. I don't know any natural solutions, although I've read that drinking TONS of water can delay or lessen it. Birth controls pills are a pretty standard delaying mechanism. (I think it's the progesterone that does it.) It might be a situation of possible side effects vs. debilitating period.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 9 years ago
    You might want to look into a menstrual cup or menstrual extraction.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 9 years ago
    Try Vitamin C. It's generally very effective in lessening the flow. Also make sure that you don't (under any circumstances) take any aspirin during your period. It has the exact opposite effect.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 9 years ago
    Yeah I find the thought of menstural extraction really weird, but to each her own.
  • Menopause..then there will be tears over lost estrogen.... I've heard taking ibuprofen can slow it down a little if it's bad.
  • Right on. I hope you had a great meet regardless, SwimKat. (If I had had a useful suggestion for you initially I sure would have posted it!)
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 9 years ago
    Honestly, I am a bit disturbed by this idea of stopping or delaying your menstrual flow because it's unhealthy. Talk to your doctor, but keep in mind that menstruating is a normal part of being a woman, and stopping it or putting it on temporary hold for competitive reasons is unhealthy. It may not bite you now, but down the road it will. If you want to actually control your cycle, the pill is the only way you can regulate it and keep the cramps at bay. There are low dose pills that are safer and have relatively no side effects, unlike the pills I took back when I was still having my cycle. The added benefit is you won't get those awful cramps some of us suffered through when it wasn't available. Swimming is supposed to be a healthy sport. When you start messing with your natural female cycle, you start to make it an unhealthy obsession. A tampon or a menstrual cup, as laineybug suggested, should keep you secure without extractions or drugs that halt your period for months. If this gets people riled and you want to scream at me, go ahead, but I'm old enough to know the horror stories that come with some of these more draconian period halting methods. You're not in the Olympics, your livelihood doesn't depend on your sport, and there is no excuse to mess with your body's natural cycle. Let your period come when it needs to. No need to scream at you, but you seem to have a very strong opinion and are judging me based on assumptions about my intentions and my situation that you dont have the appropriate information to make. This isnt about inconvenient cramps or simply not wanting to be having my period during a competition. I can assure you that a tampon or menstrual cup would NOT keep me secure or allow me to be in the water, otherwise I would just use them and have my period whenever I had my period. No big deal. I also never said I wanted to halt my period for months. I was just hoping there was a NATURAL way I could stall it by a few days/week. My doctor is very much involved and would have me taking drugs to regulate my period for the last 9 months if she had her way. So there apparently IS an excuse to "mess" with my body's natural cycle that you are not aware of. But I dont want to mess with my hormones so I have resisted. But aside from this, I certainly dont think its "unhealthy obsession" to want to be able to actually swim at a meet I have trained for and am traveling out of the state for. And I dont think you have to be an Olympian to be invested in a sport and want to compete and do your best. Ability level or age should have nothing to do with it. And the fact that its not my livelihood makes it all the more rewarding, this is for fun. Yes, its possible to do something for fun AND still actually care about it. But again, you dont know me so you have no idea what my life is like and how this is actually just a small piece that I carve out for myself, just for myself, for my enjoyment, for one long weekend a year (if Im lucky). I enjoy taking it seriously enough to care. I do appreciate your concern, but would suggest next time you try sharing advice without such judgmental contempt for a situation you know nothing about.
  • As one poster suggested, ibuprofen can help lessen or delay the flow, 400 mg (2 of the standard over-the-counter Advils or equivalent) every four hours. Start a day or two before you expect your period.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 9 years ago
    My OB gave me a sample pack of BC (Lo Loestrin Fe) as the only option to address this, but Im worried about starting it now and getting all kinds of side effects right before the meet too.! One anecdote here: I've been on that same BC for years, with almost no flow (spotting only here and there), and no negative side effects. I can see how you would be hesitant to risk it, though. Good luck