New Award - Biggest Sandbagger at Nationals

With the psych sheets out for Nationals, I think we should start debating who deserves the biggest sandbagger of the meet award? I won't name the names of any doctors or last year's national champion, but I've got some nominees in the 500 free:bolt:
  • That's messed up, unless you're faster than they are now ;) Do these people have inferiority complexes or something? Does it make them feel better when the beat their heat by lengths?
  • Oh yeah. She pulls that stunt at EVERY local Masters meet and I have no clue why. I saw she was seeded at 28.1 for 50 free and 31.1 for 50 fly. That's just ridiculous ... She's the national record holder in 50 fly and 100 back.
  • You should be banned for pulling stunts like that
  • I sandbagged (and reverse sandbagged) my last meet. It was *not* Nationals. It was an interstate meet of uncertain size, and I was racing consecutive events. I felt bad about it, but in exactly the same circumstances I'd probably do the same thing again.
  • Pretty ridiculous. Not sure about banning, but isn't there some provision to "adjust" these bogus times?
  • Pretty ridiculous. Not sure about banning, but isn't there some provision to "adjust" these bogus times? It will definitely be ridiculous if she swims her usual race times and slaughters her seed times. Since she has a history of sandbagging, that would definitely be the case. There is another possibility, though. What is she has had an injury or illness and is currently only able to race the seed time she posted? That would be the only way she would get off the hook (and legitimately off this thread). The only reason I bring that up is because of my current situation. Coming off hip surgery, my kick is so pathetic that I have actually fallen off the motivational charts in some of my events where I used to be able to practice "race" A-AA times! :afraid:
  • Pretty ridiculous. Not sure about banning, but isn't there some provision to "adjust" these bogus times? With electronic signups, you'd think such adjustments would be easy. Match up their seed time with their most recent time in that event during the current year. Take the faster time as their seed time. If they haven't competed in that event during the current season, check the previous year, etc, tacking on an extra adder (maybe 3% per year?) to older race times. If the swimmer has a problem with that, there's no requirement that they enter that race...
  • Sandbagging is done for a variety of purposes: confidence, get a better lane, get more rest for another event, catching a plane, etc. Since we're not kiddies anymore, I often put a little age buffer. Some find it inherently evil. I don't care as much. Noriko is a curious case as she usually ends up in lane 8, thrashing all of us. Since I don't speak Japanese, I may never know why.
  • I did briefly entertain the idea of injury until I read its a habitual thing. I had my times adjusted according after I had a meet two weeks ago. I have also recently had surgery but things are starting to come back and I'm having fun again, no need to be afraid!!
  • Pretty ridiculous. Not sure about banning, but isn't there some provision to "adjust" these bogus times? 104.5.5.A(11) If a swimmer enters an event with a time significantly slower or faster than that swimmer’s recorded time in the past two years, the meet director may, after a discussion with the swimmer, change the seeded time to a realistic time. Note: There is also 102.13.14, but this is generally applied to swimmers who are significantly slower than their seed times. 102.13.14 A swimmer who misrepresents a seed time, causing a significant delay of the meet, may be disqualified at the discretion of the referee. The disqualified swimmer shall be removed from the lane as soon as practical.