Fins Fins Fins

I know fins are good training tool, take some of the pressure off my sore rotator cuff, and do improve my kick after even a couple laps. But the Speedos I have feel really heavy. I'm small, and am looking for fins that won't weigh me down so any suggestions would be appreciated.
  • ElaineK, I intended to pem you to tell you I was sorry you had to go through arthroscopic hip surgery. I hope you are on your way to mending and getting back into the pool. Thanks, Denise! I was only out of the pool for two weeks (while I still had my stitches); but those two weeks were *&#! :waiting: The next 9 weeks were spent swimming exclusively with a pull buoy, because my doctor told me, "No kicking!" At least I was in the pool, and I got a pair of strong shoulders out of it! :weightlifter: Now I am in normal training mode; however, no racing until May, and I can't kick breaststroke until this summer. My training times are still slow, but I'm a happy camper! :bliss:
  • ElaineK, I intended to pem you to tell you I was sorry you had to go through arthroscopic hip surgery. I hope you are on your way to mending and getting back into the pool. Thanks, Denise! I was only out of the pool for two weeks (while I still had my stitches); but those two weeks were *&#! :waiting: The next 9 weeks were spent swimming exclusively with a pull buoy, because my doctor told me, "No kicking!" At least I was in the pool, and I got a pair of strong shoulders out of it! :weightlifter: Now I am in normal training mode; however, no racing until May, and I can't kick breaststroke until this summer. My training times are still slow, but I'm a happy camper! :bliss:
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