Back in the (proverbial) saddle--swim meet tomorrow!

All kinds of happy vibes welcome here! 50, 100, and 200 free. My mission of mercy: to make all those in my different heats feel fast. (You're welcome, friends! Someone has to step up.) ;)
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 9 years ago
    Good luck! :applaud:
  • Well, it went decently! 1. I didn't miss any of my heats. 2. I beat my seed times in two of the three events I was in (50, 100, and 200m free). (Now, it should be said that I predicted some pretty conservative seed times, but not conservative enough in the 200--c'est la vie! The 200, though, was my last event, and I thought that instead of aiming for a specific time, I'd try to focus on technique and remember the stuff the coaches keep telling me. May have done this, not sure.) 3. Won first place in my age group. Granted, this wasn't difficult, as there were no others in my age group--but the blue ribbons make nice keepsakes and it's out of my control that no one else in my age group did the events that I did. :) 4. Although my goggles came off on diving in for the 50 free, I didn't stop to put them on again. What's a bit of temporary discomfort in a 50 free anyway! I shoved them into place as I turned and still beat the seed time. Nice lunch w/ a friend afterward before heading home on a day too chilly, slippery, and rainy for running, so it was a good thing I got a swim workout in.
  • And that is you have fun in meets. Glad you are able to list what you did for us to see and for you to look back on. Wait till the next meet, it will be even better.
  • And that is you have fun in meets. Glad you are able to list what you did for us to see and for you to look back on. Wait till the next meet, it will be even better. Thank you, Orca--next meet is 2/1. We'll see. My masters' group has a large social event planned around that meet. The coach is trying to get a bunch of us to go. Meanwhile, I'm planning to do the hour postal swim this coming Sunday. (Looking ahead to open water season....) Thanks for the encouraging words!