Recovery & Swimming After Hip Arthroscopy

Have any of you had hip arthroscopy? If so, I would be interested in hearing your experience post-op. I would like your suggestions on how to keep fit before I am allowed to return to the pool, and I am interested to hear what your return to swimming was like after recovery. My surgery (psoas release and possible labral tear) is scheduled for December 17, and I was told it would probably be three weeks before I am allowed to return to swimming (no kicking allowed), 3-4 months before I can return to full swimming, and 5 months before I can return to competition. How does this compare to your experience? Thanks!
  • Gonna miss you in Auburn (again :badday:) but I'm glad everything went well and you are on the way to recovery. I'm really bummed about missing that meet again! It has always been one of my favorites, especially because that's where I met you, your teammates, and Swimosaur. Connor Bailey always does a fabulous job running the meet, too. Thanks for your message, Peter! Please pass along my best holiday wishes to your team. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas with your family, too! I am glad the surgery went well. I hope your recovery is swift and complete. Thanks, King Frog! Hey, I was talking with Skip (Frank Thompson) at the St. Nick's meet, and I learned all about the "King Frog" that came before you. I had no idea there WAS one before you! To me, you are the one and only "King Frog". :D Happy holidays to you and your Seal Girl! I hope she is doing well!
  • The link above is a recap of my previous post. Moody, it was great seeing you there, even if it was for a brief greeting at the blocks! Yesterday, I had my surgery, and the doctor said it was a success. :applaud: There was indeed a labral tear and a lot of inflammation in the labrum, so he did a repair in addition to the psoas tendon release. I feel fine when I don't move my leg and hip, but trying to walk on :toohurt:is excrutiatingly painful. Thankfully, I have a rolling office chair and hard flooring throughout our house, so I'm scooting around quite well! Now, if I can just figure out how to walk on my crutches without having to move or lift my right leg, I can get to the gym and use the SciFit machine for an arm spin. ​:dunno:
  • Yesterday, I had my surgery, and the doctor said it was a success. :applaud: Excellent news, Elaine! May your recovery be swift and as painless as possible!
  • Yay Elaine! Listen to your Doctor and recover patiently and in the way he/she prescribes you to do. Good luck!
  • Hi Elaine, good luck with your recovery! See if you can work with your doctor on finding out what you might eventually be able to do in the pool so you can stay active without compromising the healing process. Keep us posted!
  • Stay out of the water until incision is healed - you DO NOT want an infection!!! Do your rehab & exercise gently until given the go ahead.
  • So glad to hear that the surgery was successful! Now the healing process begins. Recovery isn't necessarily fun, but it is a process and a challenge at which I'm sure you'll be very successful with your great attitude!
  • Excellent news, Elaine! May your recovery be swift and as painless as possible! Thanks, Swimosaur! Yay Elaine! Listen to your Doctor and recover patiently and in the way he/she prescribes you to do. Good luck! Thanks Bobinator! I am a very good patient (I had to be, because my father was a doctor; I learned well.) :agree: I do exactly as I am told, but I do push it as far as I am allowed. For example, I asked when I could return to the gym and work my shoulders on the SciFit machine (it's like a bicycle for the arms). I also wanted to know when I could do my rotator cuff physical therapy exercises. My doctor said, "As soon as you feel up to it." I replied, "How about the day after my surgery?" He said I wouldn't want to, but if I felt up to it, go right ahead. Guess where I was this morning? :D I figured out that if I rest my right foot on top of my left, I could get around on my crutches relatively pain-free. I'm now 13 hours out since my last Percocet, and I only took two yesterday. My surgeon did an awesome job! Hi Elaine, good luck with your recovery! See if you can work with your doctor on finding out what you might eventually be able to do in the pool so you can stay active without compromising the healing process. Keep us posted! Thanks, Swim'! I discussed this with my doctor and physical therapist before surgery, so a plan is in place. I won't be able to get back in the water until my stitches are removed and my doc gives me the go-ahead; I see him on January 2 for that. At that point, I can get in the water, but I won't be allowed to kick for 3-4 months. It will also be two months before I am allowed to start strengthening my hip in PT. He estimates I will be able to start competing in 5 months, but it looks like I'll have to miss the National Senior Games in July. Three of my qualifying events were breaststroke, and that will be the last thing I will be able to do in swimming. (I haven't been able to kick breaststroke since September.) As soon as I can get back in the water, I plan on doing feet first scull, breaststroke pull with no kick, water walking with a breaststroke pull, and maybe mix in some Noodler toys for some variety. Stay out of the water until incision is healed - you DO NOT want an infection!!! Do your rehab & exercise gently until given the go ahead. See above; I got it covered! ;)
  • Elaine, Glad to read you are doing well. Speedy recovery. Holiday Wishes,
  • You have us on the forum to lean on!! :bighug: Elaine, Glad to read you are doing well. Speedy recovery. Holiday Wishes, Thanks, Orca and Bill! Best wishes to you both for a happy holiday season!