Does your team have a "pre-team"?

On our masters team , we have a pre-team to aid swimmers that are new to team swimming & all 4 strokes. We have them learn the correct strokes & the associated drills that they will use when they move up to the regular team practices. This seems to help a lot of new swimmers into the world of masters team swimming. They meet twice a week for how ever long it takes till the asst. coach says they are ready to move into the workouts of the "seasoned" swimmers. Do other teams have this to aid new masters swimmers work their way on the team without the fear of getting run over or not knowing drills?
  • When I mention the word masters, people look at me like, "oh, you have to swim like Phelps for that. What are you doing there?" Then I have to explain it means adults, but they're still put off, so I think any club that can even book one lane for one hour a week for a pre-masters would benefit by bringing in a lot more members and making it clear it's not just for young, buff speedsters.
  • When I mention the word masters, people look at me like, "oh, you have to swim like Phelps for that. What are you doing there?" Then I have to explain it means adults, but they're still put off, so I think any club that can even book one lane for one hour a week for a pre-masters would benefit by bringing in a lot more members and making it clear it's not just for young, buff speedsters.
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