Does your team have a "pre-team"?

On our masters team , we have a pre-team to aid swimmers that are new to team swimming & all 4 strokes. We have them learn the correct strokes & the associated drills that they will use when they move up to the regular team practices. This seems to help a lot of new swimmers into the world of masters team swimming. They meet twice a week for how ever long it takes till the asst. coach says they are ready to move into the workouts of the "seasoned" swimmers. Do other teams have this to aid new masters swimmers work their way on the team without the fear of getting run over or not knowing drills?
  • I wish we did! I really like the masters swimming club that I belong to, but just started swimming a year ago and got frustrated with trying to modify or keep up with the seasoned swimmers. I have been swimming on my own and using workouts that I find here, but that is a great idea to bring those of us in that need some extra help.
  • Unfortunately I think a lot of teams look at master's as the red-headed step child of their youth/age group program. They are much more interested in teaching an 8 year old then a 48 year old. And I understand that for mixed teams, age group is the bread and butter.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 9 years ago
    No, we do not. We do have a wide array of abilities on our team. Working with the YMCA, we have beginner adult swim lessons, so if someone is really uncomfortable in the water, or needs a couple "easier" lessons before starting, they always have that option. We are very open to all abilities on our team.
  • By all means bring this concept to the coaches. We have the newbies start with basic competitive swimming strokes & the drills they will use in the reg team. They meet 2 times per week for an hour. The "coach" does not have to be the reg coach, but a swimmer that has been on the team that can teach what they will need to know & use.
  • I wish more of the master's had pre-team. I think it would have made it easier for me, personally, and I know a lot of adult swimmers have more enthusiasm than confidence and skill. This is an excellent point and a great way to get more people into Masters. At the Minnetonka, MN Masters we have started a "Masters Light" program for an hour twice a week. As others have said the goal is to raise proficiency to the point where the regular practices are doable. Can you imagine taking new skiers directly to the black diamond trails? The workouts have a larger percentage of drills and technique work but still have at least one main set each session for aerobic conditioning. We are currently trying to get a third day per week set up for this group.
  • I think it's a great idea, but I have a feeling most programs just don't have the pool time or resources to make it happen.
  • Dan - good for you guys. i think this will allow many more to start masters without the fear of not fitting in.
  • Am119 - do you have a masters team? -
  • I wish more of the master's had pre-team. I think it would have made it easier for me, personally, and I know a lot of adult swimmers have more enthusiasm than confidence and skill.
  • When I mention the word masters, people look at me like, "oh, you have to swim like Phelps for that. What are you doing there?" Then I have to explain it means adults, but they're still put off, so I think any club that can even book one lane for one hour a week for a pre-masters would benefit by bringing in a lot more members and making it clear it's not just for young, buff speedsters.