Next year's goal: Sub 5 minute 500 free

Trying to set one solid goal for next year. After a mediocre season, I've decided to focus on one event only for next year. I want to see if I can break 5 minutes for a 500 free. Back in my college days (almost 30 years ago), my best was a 4:47, and I would routinely swim just under 5 in most dual meets. Since I started Masters swimming 4 years ago, my best has been a 5:10. Not bad, but I think I can do better. Now here's the question for all the middle-distance studs out there: what are some good workouts/drills that you can do to A) increase raw speed, and B) increase endurance. As I mentioned in a different thread, I have been dealing with a mild anemia issue, which I'm pretty sure has been resolved.
  • Glenn, The funny thing here is that I did that ride to make sure I was not "well-rested", as my goal was to see what I could do in a regular, mid-season meet. I also wanted to establish a baseline that I could gauge my future conditioning on. It only seemed to affect me towards the end, when my quads got a bit tired, causing me to spend a bit too much time on the walls. The fact that you did as well as you did should give you confidence for a rested swim! Good job.
  • The fact that you did as well as you did should give you confidence for a rested swim! Good job. Thanks Glenn. It most certainly is a big confidence builder. Not just for the 500, but for any medium to long distance race. I'm doing a 2.4 mile open water race this weekend (the Tikiswim in Oceanside) and I'm feeling pretty good about placing in the top 20 or so.
  • that is a really good time! Thanks! Was actually pretty surprised, as I didn't feel great during warmup. Felt sorry for one guy in my heat. He was also shooting for sub-5, and he went a 5:00.04!
  • Very nice swim. I'd say you are on track!
  • Great swim. Now just think if you had not done that 50 mile bike ride! I can't imagine doing a 500 the day after a bike ride like that. Wow.
  • I have a history with the 5 minute 500 barrier. Made it to a 00 in my final high school meet, which also was my last competitive race of my "career". I do think with more rounded coaching and hard work in college I could have become a routing sub-5 guy. But I was going to a D1 college and wasn't quite at the level of a walk on (without some extra work). I'm 30 now and can typically still go sub 5:30. In the last year I have stepped up my training and quality of swimming. Would love to join that sub-5 club.
  • I have a history with the 5 minute 500 barrier. Made it to a 00 in my final high school meet, which also was my last competitive race of my "career". I do think with more rounded coaching and hard work in college I could have become a routing sub-5 guy. But I was going to a D1 college and wasn't quite at the level of a walk on (without some extra work). I'm 30 now and can typically still go sub 5:30. In the last year I have stepped up my training and quality of swimming. Would love to join that sub-5 club. Pretty cool club to be in! Want to see if I can re-join before I turn 50. Now THAT would be cool!! That 00 wasn't that long ago for you, and you're still pretty young, so with a bit of hard training, you should have no problem going under 5.
  • Hi, You want to see if you can break 5 minutes for a 500 free. you've been 5:10.. you think I can do better. what are some good workouts/drills that you can do to A) increase raw speed, SPRINT with rest B) increase endurance, Do longer sets, aerobic set and speed work. what were your splits in your 5:10 500? What are your recent times for 50, 100, 200, & 1000 what suit did you wear Tell us about your training x per week sets yards per practice times in practice ... You can Swim Faster Faster