New Omega Backstroke Start Device

Former Member
Former Member
Wow, this is cool! A "starting wedge" for backstrokers. Looks like it's approved by FINA; it's on their YouTube page. How to use the backstroke foot ledge: - At the start, the toes of both feet must be in contact with the end wall or face of the touchpad. Bending the toes over the top of the touchpad is prohibited. - The ledge may be adjustable to 4 cm above or 4 cm below the water level.
  • It took me a while to get an OK back start , then they changed the rule. I see many more poor or slipped feet starts with the feet on the face & under water than with the feet/toes above on the gutter/starting pad.
  • It took me a while to get an OK back start , then they changed the rule. I see many more poor or slipped feet starts with the feet on the face & under water than with the feet/toes above on the gutter/starting pad.
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