2014 Spring Nationals SWIMMER feature

Hi there, I am looking for some Spring Nationals swimmers who competed as youth interested in sharing their stories about what role they had envisioned swimming playing in their lives post-high school or college compared to what really developed. It is okay if you took a break and came back...I think we will get a variety of interesting stories here that will make for a fun-to-read Spring Nationals feature :). If you would like to participate, please leave a brief note on this thread AND send me an email (susan@corazondeloro.com) with a short paragraph or two with comments on the above topic and info on how and when you can be reached. Thank you for your interest! Cheers, Susan Dawson-Cook
  • I went to a fairly high stress,academically competitive University and swimming was one of the ways I kept my sanity(such as it is.) I went to the same university, although not at the same time. Swimming was very important to me as a teen but I never really considered continuing it in college. I picked it up again in my late 20s and am really glad I did.
  • I went to a fairly high stress,academically competitive University and swimming was one of the ways I kept my sanity(such as it is.) I went to the same university, although not at the same time. Swimming was very important to me as a teen but I never really considered continuing it in college. I picked it up again in my late 20s and am really glad I did.
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