Just a year ago....

Former Member
Former Member
...I posted to this forum that I could barely get halfway across my 25 yard pool (freestyle) and would feel like I was going to die....Today, I was feeling particularly strong and broke through and did 1000 yards freestyle nonstop!!!!!! I swim through asthma so it was quite a feat. I just wanted to share. I made the lifestyle change last March and have gotten rid of over 40 pounds and feel like a new person. I just wanted to share a victory. I had that great endorphin buzz when I got finished too; BONUS. Marian:banana:
  • Wow, that's fantastic news!!! Congratulations on such an amazing accomplishment. It's great testimony to hte sport and wow, what perfect timing for the campaign to help adults learn to swim. You are the epitome of what can be done. Congratulations and keep up the great work!
  • Wow, that's fantastic news!!! Congratulations on such an amazing accomplishment. It's great testimony to hte sport and wow, what perfect timing for the campaign to help adults learn to swim. You are the epitome of what can be done. Congratulations and keep up the great work!
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