2014 Canadian Nationals

According to the mymsc.ca website, the 2014 Canadian Nationals will be May 16-19 (Friday-Monday) in Windsor, Ontario, at the brand-new Windsor International Aquatic and Training Centre, aka the Family Aquatic Complex. Windsor is about a half hour's drive from the Detroit airport. I've heard the meet is LCM, though I can't verify it. I also can't verify the event order! Which events on which days? Apparently it's not published yet? Is it known from experience? Does anyone know for sure or have a guess? Thanks.
  • USMS did change its rule and will accept results from international meets if the pool has been measured and on file with USMS and FINA and it doesn't matter if its a bulkhead pool or not. This is only for top ten times. The current USMS rule now was the one that we used for international meets in that for times to count for top ten in a bulkhead pool, the inside lane and the two outside lanes had to measured after each session. We don't require that anymore for top ten times so the results of all swims in this meet will be accepted for top ten. That was not the case 2 years ago and it was discussed on this website in detail. For USMS Records and FINA World Records, you have to measure the inside lane and the two outside lanes like you do for USMS Top Ten. This is not our of the ordinary because FINA requires that if a World Record is set in Swimming, they require the lane to be measured after the session and USA Swimming requires lanes to be measured if there is a US Open, American Record, and Championship Meet Record set in their sanction meets. I don't believe they require measurement for age group records but they require that all pools be certified for a measurement before they issue a sanction. So as Anna Lea listed 105.16 and 105.17 that deal with the pool certification and pool measurement, this Windsor facility has fulfilled both of these requirements because the pool measurement is on file and they follow the international rule that states once the pool has been measured for all of the lanes, bulkhead or not, the times will count for top ten and that includes both USMS and FINA. For a USMS/FINA record, nothing has changed. For your security, I have a copy of the surveyors measurement of both pools that have been certified and will give you a copy if you like. This will not be like that meet in Baltimore that everyone got burned on. So the biggest difference is if there are no records set in this meet, then no measuring of pools will be done. Under the old USMS rule, this Windsor pool would have to be measured 12 times because there are 6 sessions and this is just for one pool. The only measuring that will be done is if there is a record and they will do that after that session is over. This is what was done when Phillip Djang set his records at the provincial meet. This is a great improvement from the past and it will be interesting to see how many records will be set in the different sessions and how many times a measurement will need to take place. The old rule that we enforced for International meets didn't make sense to International Meet hosts. You are asking this meet host to measure two 25 meter pools after every session for 6 sessions. No International host is going to do that and its not required in Canadian or FINA Rules. So this is a great compromise because for Records we can live with this but for top ten its another matter and hence that is why there was a rule change last year at the convention. So you can rest assured that any record you set will be properly dealt with and recorded properly. Thanks Frank. I'm sure all the swimmers there will be grateful for your efforts and diligence! Unfortunately, I had to scratch the meet due to lack of training from an extended bout of crud. I had been really looking forward to it and seeing the pool.
  • USMS did change its rule and will accept results from international meets if the pool has been measured and on file with USMS and FINA and it doesn't matter if its a bulkhead pool or not. This is only for top ten times. The current USMS rule now was the one that we used for international meets in that for times to count for top ten in a bulkhead pool, the inside lane and the two outside lanes had to measured after each session. We don't require that anymore for top ten times so the results of all swims in this meet will be accepted for top ten. That was not the case 2 years ago and it was discussed on this website in detail. For USMS Records and FINA World Records, you have to measure the inside lane and the two outside lanes like you do for USMS Top Ten. This is not our of the ordinary because FINA requires that if a World Record is set in Swimming, they require the lane to be measured after the session and USA Swimming requires lanes to be measured if there is a US Open, American Record, and Championship Meet Record set in their sanction meets. I don't believe they require measurement for age group records but they require that all pools be certified for a measurement before they issue a sanction. So as Anna Lea listed 105.16 and 105.17 that deal with the pool certification and pool measurement, this Windsor facility has fulfilled both of these requirements because the pool measurement is on file and they follow the international rule that states once the pool has been measured for all of the lanes, bulkhead or not, the times will count for top ten and that includes both USMS and FINA. For a USMS/FINA record, nothing has changed. For your security, I have a copy of the surveyors measurement of both pools that have been certified and will give you a copy if you like. This will not be like that meet in Baltimore that everyone got burned on. So the biggest difference is if there are no records set in this meet, then no measuring of pools will be done. Under the old USMS rule, this Windsor pool would have to be measured 12 times because there are 6 sessions and this is just for one pool. The only measuring that will be done is if there is a record and they will do that after that session is over. This is what was done when Phillip Djang set his records at the provincial meet. This is a great improvement from the past and it will be interesting to see how many records will be set in the different sessions and how many times a measurement will need to take place. The old rule that we enforced for International meets didn't make sense to International Meet hosts. You are asking this meet host to measure two 25 meter pools after every session for 6 sessions. No International host is going to do that and its not required in Canadian or FINA Rules. So this is a great compromise because for Records we can live with this but for top ten its another matter and hence that is why there was a rule change last year at the convention. So you can rest assured that any record you set will be properly dealt with and recorded properly. Thanks Frank. I'm sure all the swimmers there will be grateful for your efforts and diligence! Unfortunately, I had to scratch the meet due to lack of training from an extended bout of crud. I had been really looking forward to it and seeing the pool.
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