50/100 crowd: Yardage and workout details

Former Member
Former Member
As I continue to transition into the sprint pool events from open water/tri I wanted to open this up to see if any of you wouldn't mind sharing what kind of workout yardage you are swimming and the weekly totals. Also if you don't mind including some of the sets you do I'd be grateful. Simply curious to see if it jives with what our new Masters coach is handing down. Thanks much.
  • For me it's about 2000 a day. I try to get one or two longer days in a week maybe 3k, sometimes 4-5k, but more rare. Three times a week I am sprinting. A main set might be 4x75 all out on 4 min 4x50 all out on 4 min 4x25 all out on 2 min Boring but effective.
  • For the 50 it's streamlining, the start, turn, finish, and fast reflexes
  • v02, my sprint training looks a LOT like a long distance workout. :D steve
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 10 years ago
    this looks good and I may give this a go. How long are you resting between each sprint? I do a basic IM rotation of just 50 and 100's but there is usually one other in my lane while I am doing the workout and don't want to completely wash them out with the wave. Thanks For me it's about 2000 a day. I try to get one or two longer days in a week maybe 3k, sometimes 4-5k, but more rare. Three times a week I am sprinting. A main set might be 4x75 all out on 4 min 4x50 all out on 4 min 4x25 all out on 2 min Boring but effective.
  • I only had 7 sprint fibers & the last hip operation took away 5 of those!!! Old & slow is me!!!!!!!!
  • vo2, I'd encourage you to check out the blogs for Water Rat, The Fortress and chowmi for some different approaches to sprinting. I have no idea who your Masters coach is and certainly don't want to malign anyone, but, if I had to guess, I would imagine the workouts are NOT targeted towards the 50 and the 100. If you really want to get on the cutting edge, check out the various threads on Dr. Rushall's Ultra Short Race Pace Training (USRPT) here and/or go to www.swimswam.com and search on articles and videos on Michael Andrew's training approaches.