Pool Length

Yesterday I swam in a pool I had never been to before. The pool is 30.5 meters (33.3 yards) long X 20 yards wide. Starting blocks were on the 20 yards. Why would a pool be built at 30.5 meters? Would you change your workout to accommodate this unusual distance? My normal 4000 meter workout, turned into 4880 meters. I would like to continue to use this pool,however I will have to put in some serious thinking into my workouts.
  • Sorry to resurrect this old thread...I came across it when Google searching something about various pool lengths. But, I thought I'd add to it... As a military retiree, I swim at the pool on the local Navy base. They just built/opened a new 25m pool a couple years ago. But up until that time the pool used for recreation (MWR) swimming was 35 yards long. At one time there were actually two pool like this on the base...and some of the real old timers tell me of another that was razed many years ago. While on active duty in the Navy, I was stationed at a couple of other bases that also have 35 yard pools. So after asking the real old timers more questions about why the military build 35 yard pools I eventually was told that it was so outside entities (high schools, colleges, clubs) would not ask the to use the pools since they weren't of a length that could be used for records. Dan Our club practiced at a base pool in the summer. I can't remember exactly how it was set up because they stopped letting us use the pool when I was around 11 or so (the pool doesn't exist anymore). But it was L shaped with a shorter distance and longer distance. Neither distance was competitive length but both were "good enough for a workout". If memory serves me right, one way was 35 meters and the other way was 33 yards. In any case, it was a nice change of pace for June & July when the high school pool rental stopped. Fresh outdoor air and always feeling fast at meets were enough to make up for the frigid water and not really knowing how fast you are for two months.
  • Sorry to resurrect this old thread...I came across it when Google searching something about various pool lengths. But, I thought I'd add to it... As a military retiree, I swim at the pool on the local Navy base. They just built/opened a new 25m pool a couple years ago. But up until that time the pool used for recreation (MWR) swimming was 35 yards long. At one time there were actually two pool like this on the base...and some of the real old timers tell me of another that was razed many years ago. While on active duty in the Navy, I was stationed at a couple of other bases that also have 35 yard pools. So after asking the real old timers more questions about why the military build 35 yard pools I eventually was told that it was so outside entities (high schools, colleges, clubs) would not ask the to use the pools since they weren't of a length that could be used for records. Dan Our club practiced at a base pool in the summer. I can't remember exactly how it was set up because they stopped letting us use the pool when I was around 11 or so (the pool doesn't exist anymore). But it was L shaped with a shorter distance and longer distance. Neither distance was competitive length but both were "good enough for a workout". If memory serves me right, one way was 35 meters and the other way was 33 yards. In any case, it was a nice change of pace for June & July when the high school pool rental stopped. Fresh outdoor air and always feeling fast at meets were enough to make up for the frigid water and not really knowing how fast you are for two months.
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