Swimming with an ankle sprain

Former Member
Former Member
I have (what I would call) a mild-moderate ankle sprain. (I'm really not sure how I did it; maybe while I was playing with my son at the hotel pool, but no matter.) I'm right in the thick of training for the Big Shoulders Open Water Swim, the 2.5K. I just spent a 3-day weekend without training or cross-training at all, due to a family emergency. I had a good workout yesterday morning, but that was before my ankle started feeling sore and swelling (slightly). I really don't want to take any time off my training. Would it really hurt me to keep up my training and, say, have a workout tonight? My workouts run about 2600-3000 yards. Or if I do swim, are there certain kicks or drills I should avoid, say, avoid using my zoomers for a few days? Another option is to have a bike ride tonight and have my next swim workout tomorrow morning. Any advice? Thanks!
  • Any advice? Thanks!Talk to your doctor.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 12 years ago
    I would agree with talking to your doctor, you don't want to cause further damage; however, when they thought I had torn my meniscus my workouts turned into nothing but pulling with a buoy, so that's also another way to go if it hurts to kick.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 12 years ago
    Ok I am suffering from an injured foot that will not heal. My doctor said swimming would be great. I have not swam since I was young. I want to possibly join the masters league but am scared that I will be horrible or in the way. Can anyone join? or do you need to be a great swimmer?
  • Another vote to talk to your doctor. I am now 4 years beyond my ankle sprain. I waited about 4 months to go see my doctor and I probably ruined it as a result. Since that time I have had 2 surgeries, 4 injections, physical therapy and 16 weeks in a boot. Don't wait, go see the doc now!
  • Another vote to visit a doctor. I've sprained both ankles, and both times I tried to swim way too soon (you'd think I would have learned). "I'll just use a pull buoy," I thought... Well that just doesn't quite work. Most doctors will say that walking in a pool is good recovery.
  • See the Doc. & ask if you can one leg kick with arms normal . If you can do this & KEEP from kicking then give it a try. You are iceing the ankle ----yes?
  • Ok I am suffering from an injured foot that will not heal. My doctor said swimming would be great. I have not swam since I was young. I want to possibly join the masters league but am scared that I will be horrible or in the way. Can anyone join? or do you need to be a great swimmer? Anyone can join.Go to a workout and talk to the coach.
  • As a triathlete I find this interesting in that if/when I get a leg/ foot injury that keeps me from running...I usually fill that workout time with additional swimming. Dan
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 8 years ago
    Another vote to talk to your doctor. I am now 4 years beyond my ankle sprain. I waited about 4 months to go see my doctor and I probably ruined it as a result. Since that time I have had 2 surgeries, 4 injections, physical therapy and 16 weeks in a boot. Don't wait, go see the doc now! How long did it take you to get back into swimming following surgery? I had surgery 7 months ago. I tried swimming with docs permission after 4 months but it was still quite painful. Any advice for getting back into it?
  • Have you gone to the doc yet?