I have (what I would call) a mild-moderate ankle sprain. (I'm really not sure how I did it; maybe while I was playing with my son at the hotel pool, but no matter.)
I'm right in the thick of training for the Big Shoulders Open Water Swim, the 2.5K. I just spent a 3-day weekend without training or cross-training at all, due to a family emergency. I had a good workout yesterday morning, but that was before my ankle started feeling sore and swelling (slightly). I really don't want to take any time off my training.
Would it really hurt me to keep up my training and, say, have a workout tonight? My workouts run about 2600-3000 yards. Or if I do swim, are there certain kicks or drills I should avoid, say, avoid using my zoomers for a few days?
Another option is to have a bike ride tonight and have my next swim workout tomorrow morning.
Any advice? Thanks!