I train with an age group team. Our normal Saturday practices are in a pool around 85º and for 2 hours. The practices may not be hugely high in yardage but very high in intensity. I normally have chronic headaches and lately I've been getting migraines after these Sat practices. I don't know if it's the heat of the pool for the long time or the intensity. I talked to the coach today about getting out after 90 min as I find that helps. He mentioned upping my fluid and nutrition intake. What should I up and what else can I do to avoid the migraines? They are making for very boring weekends for my family as I lay on the couch in pain.
...I wrote about this for Swimmer in the Jan-Feb 2016 issue. ...
For domestic tranquility I toss my old issues. Is there a way to get this on-line? I went to back issues, but nothing related is clickable.
...I wrote about this for Swimmer in the Jan-Feb 2016 issue. ...
For domestic tranquility I toss my old issues. Is there a way to get this on-line? I went to back issues, but nothing related is clickable.