Can I swim with achillles tendonitis?

Former Member
Former Member
I have been swimming about 10 miles a week (half of my workout with soft fins - for the last 10 years). Went to foot doc today and learned I have AT (moderate), but he said NO exercise until its 75% better. No way can I NOT exercise in the summer (living in the North, we live for summer), and he included swimming. He said too much pressure on the tendon with the kicking motion. No walking, just upper body. Has anyone had AT and NOT exercised at all, esp. not swam?
  • Over use of any set of muscles will cause this. 10 years of that might lead to this condition. You are not as young as you were 10 ago. I had to stop my running streak at 5 1/2 years because of this. I know it is against your nature but, sometimes we need to back off.
  • Over use of any set of muscles will cause this. 10 years of that might lead to this condition. You are not as young as you were 10 ago. I had to stop my running streak at 5 1/2 years because of this. I know it is against your nature but, sometimes we need to back off.
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