Swimmers Elbow (lateral epicondylitis)

Anyone have advice for managing/healing swimmers elbow?  I'm early 60's, recently upped my swimming and am having lateral elbow pain after swims.  It doesn't hurt while swimming but tends to wake me with pain at night and also is extremely tender if bumped.

I'm hoping to consult a swim coach on my technique but would appreciate any other exercises/advice.



  • Try a forearm Air Cast strap the attaches just below the elbow with the bubble on the muscle there.  Have had “tennis” elbow tendinitis from work related injuries and it helps. Wear it tight and like 24-7 hrs a day, it takes time.

  • Try a forearm Air Cast strap the attaches just below the elbow with the bubble on the muscle there.  Have had “tennis” elbow tendinitis from work related injuries and it helps. Wear it tight and like 24-7 hrs a day, it takes time.

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