

I love a good skincare regimen - and would appreciate specific product recommendations to combat the impact of pool chemicals. Any and all recommendations welcome! Forty+ years of age, redhead, increasingly have combination skin as a result of three 90-minute sessions a week since January. Sincere thanks! 

  • Regularly apply a healthy shea butter that has no nasty ingredients to hold in moisture& seal your skin from the pool water.  You can buy a long band online that you smear the butter on one side.  It has handles at each end so you can rub it into every bit of your back skin.  Shower rinse very thoroughly with plain water after leaving the pool. Keep the temperature just lukewarm.  Hot water will dissolve your skin oils.  Only use soap where hair grows (pits, pubes, head).  The trick is to avoid losing the skin's natural hydration.  

  • 30's with dry, sensitive skin:

    I've found to keep my face happy, I apply a face oil directly before practice (I like Eminence facial recovery oil). I wash with a high quality, lightly exfoliating face wash after practice (Eminence Manoi Age Correcting Cleanser) and do my regular skin regimen afterwards.

    My favorite body wash for dry skin is Naturium multi-oil body wash. I follow with a dry oil and then a lotion. 

    I do an oil mask for my scalp once/week (kiehls rosemary oil) and use a shampoo/conditioner that combats chlorine. 

  • Hi! I’m an esthetician and masters swimmer. I highly recommend a serum and/or lotion with antioxidants to help protect your skin from free radicals and uv exposure- underneath your sunscreen. Use a gentle cleanser post practice then layer on those products again and then something heavier- no necessarily oil, but creamier to add moisture back in and something a bit occlusive. At night time I love to layer on the serum, cream and then seal it with oil- jojoba, argan, castor oil. Antioxidants also help balance out combination skin.