Prescription swim goggles?

Looking to purchase a set of prescription swim goggles for my S.O., and was curious to hear what rx goggles you have tried or used that are good. I admit I am a bit in the dark when it comes to prescription eye-wear. Speedo appears to make prescription swim goggles with the Vanquishers, and SwimOutlet makes a good guide outlining how to pick out a good pair, but was curious to hear first-hand experiences with them.
  • I like the TYR for open water as the gasket is softer for longer swims (it all seems too much straps and bulkiness for pool racing). Potentially you could switch out the eyes if you had different eye diopters Speedo gaskets are too hard on my eye sockets. I don't use prescription for pool racing. I have a bunch (perhaps the final supply on earth) of foam gasket hind goggles (not prescription). I've given up on them though as the 25 year plastic nose pieces kept blowing up on me in races.
  • I like the TYR for open water as the gasket is softer for longer swims (it all seems too much straps and bulkiness for pool racing). Potentially you could switch out the eyes if you had different eye diopters Speedo gaskets are too hard on my eye sockets. I don't use prescription for pool racing. I have a bunch (perhaps the final supply on earth) of foam gasket hind goggles (not prescription). I've given up on them though as the 25 year plastic nose pieces kept blowing up on me in races.
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