Carpal tunnel? How to swim wiht it?

Arg, this Summer has been a disaster. Always something, and nohting expected. Miss 2 weeks, try to get back in and am lucky to get 3 or 4 days in a week and the next unexpected thing comes. Anyway, so I wasn't able to do anything this past week, and was going to try to do something this week. Body has other plans. Have developed carpal tunnel from a home project (rennovating/changing a deck). So I tried to swim this morning, and it aggravated it. Want to try again tomorrow. At this point, I just bought some tape - unfortunately it is the kinesio stuff as that is what was water proof. But it likely won't stabilize my wrist. Anyone else deal with tihs? If so, how did you successfully manage it and still swim? Wearing a splint most of the day, and a different one at night. But dont have a better plan for swimming right now.
  • Probably not what you want to hear, but after fighting it for a couple of years in my left hand, I ended up having surgery. It fixed it an no problems since. My problem now is that I've developed Dupuytren's Contracture in my right hand. Not too bad yet, and swimming actually seems to help it.
  • Probably not what you want to hear, but after fighting it for a couple of years in my left hand, I ended up having surgery. It fixed it an no problems since. My problem now is that I've developed Dupuytren's Contracture in my right hand. Not too bad yet, and swimming actually seems to help it.
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