I cannot attend any meet held in Florida at this time.

I recognize that the decision around where Summer Nationals is to be held is made well in advance of the meet.  Obviously, the recent notification by the NAACP that travel to Florida is not safe for many minorities is a recent development and not one that USMS could have considered in planning the meet.  Nonetheless, and much to my disappointment given my performance in Irvine, I cannot reconcile spending in excess of $1,500 on meals, hotels and rental car in Sarasota (a county that went massively in favor of the governor).

I hope that we do not have another national meet in this state where the leadership is leading the nation spreading bigotry, book banning, and anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric.  Some may suggest that swimming is apolitical. I strongly support the freedom for others to hold whatever personal opinions they may choose. That does not mean that I can reconcile providing my personal financial support to them as if nothing offensive has happened.

I hope that USMS will consider holding future events at venues where all members feel comfortable attending and that represent the core values of diversity and inclusion that this venue does not.  

  • I am a *** swimmer, coach, LMSC Diversity & Inclusion Chair, and member of the USMS D&I commitee. First and foremost,  everyone is entitled to their own concerns here and safety however it is not ok to bully anyone in this forum for their comments, concerns, or opinions. We are a swim family, a community of many backgrounds,  beliefs, orientations, gender identification,  religions, ages and disabilities.  If you can't be supportive to your fellow swimmers than I highly suggest that you check yourself for empathy , compassion and kindness or leave.  USMS has acknowledged the concerns and safety concerns that have risen from participating at Nationals in Florida and at best, you will be reimbursed if you intend not to participate.  I personally will not swim at Nationals in Florida. This is my decision and yes, I too am concerned for my safety.  This is not a boycott,  this comes from a much deeper core of beliefs.  I will not tolerate hatred towards people like myself or anyone group of persons. I wish everyone and safe and competitive time at Nationals. I will be more than happy to chat with anyone about Diversity,  Equity and Inclusion and our purpose as it pertains to our USMS community. 

    Leann Rossi  404-643-6063, USMS member, LGBTQ+ swimmer and coach.

    Atlanta GA.

  • Wow, I can't believe my reply xxxxx out the word *** swimmer...wth

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