Since USMS has no designated SCM Nationals there are many of us that would like to find something that comes close.
There has been a December SCM meet in Long Beach that has a lot of the criteria for an excellent winter meet: at or near sea level, indoors, extra warm-up pool, very near end of season.
Please post your feedback on an excellent SCM meet that fills all or most of the criteria. :banana: (sorry, I just like this guy...)
The rulebook leaves open the possibility for running the Short Course Nationals as an SCY or SCM meet:
Alternatively, you could just organize a group of swimmers to invade Canada.
Patrick King
You do that (invade, I mean) and we will change all our 25m pool signs to say 25y. All of you "invaders" will reach or glide to a finish after x strokes while we "invadees" will know that there's still another 90 cms to go........
OuahHaHa :bouncing: and will out-touch you.
The rulebook leaves open the possibility for running the Short Course Nationals as an SCY or SCM meet:
Alternatively, you could just organize a group of swimmers to invade Canada.
Patrick King
You do that (invade, I mean) and we will change all our 25m pool signs to say 25y. All of you "invaders" will reach or glide to a finish after x strokes while we "invadees" will know that there's still another 90 cms to go........
OuahHaHa :bouncing: and will out-touch you.