Since USMS has no designated SCM Nationals there are many of us that would like to find something that comes close.
There has been a December SCM meet in Long Beach that has a lot of the criteria for an excellent winter meet: at or near sea level, indoors, extra warm-up pool, very near end of season.
Please post your feedback on an excellent SCM meet that fills all or most of the criteria. :banana: (sorry, I just like this guy...)
The rulebook leaves open the possibility for running the Short Course Nationals as an SCY or SCM meet:
104.1.1 Short Course (25 Yards or 25 Meters)—Between April 15 and May 31.
This being said, I wouldn't hold your breath. Too many people train yards.
Alternatively, you could just organize a group of swimmers to invade Canada.
Patrick King
For awhile there was talk of a virtual SCM Championship. It would involve taking the results from 3-4 meets and combining the results. I don't know what happened to the concept.
I don't think a SCM Nationals will happen, but I'm all for encouraging people to attend the Long Beach meet to increase the level of competition. Last year there were some great swimmers from Arizona, Texas, Colorado, and even Canada that attended, and it made it a really exciting meet.
I'm unaware of any other meets in December that would be able to attract more swimmers than the Long Beach meet.
Last year (2007) there were a series of SCM meets in the midwest somewhat (not sure how much) sponsored by TYR. The meets were termed: TYR Masters Grand Prix Series and were held in Louisville, KY 10/27-28, Indianapolis, IN 11/10-11, and Chicago, IL 12/1-2. From what I understand all the venues were top-notch (I only attended the one in Chicago and it was at the University of Chicago). The website is: but it's not updated for this year yet. Keep an eye out--these meets may occur again this year :dunno:.
I love SCM!
The ones I am keeping an eye out for are:
1. Long Beach - 1st week of Dec most years; look at Southern Pacific Masters website. Hey, if i'm going to fly somewhere in Dec, it should be a nice place!
2. Possible in Chicago - this might be the final grand prix? But rumor has it is that it's going to be 1st weekend of Dec as well (ask Nadine?)
3. Somewhere in New England - again, rumored to be 1st weekend of Dec as well. (ask Tracy G?)
4. Northern California's in mid Oct - look at Pacific Masters website (ask Kerry O'B?)
5. AZ - aka, the Ron Johnson.....oooohhh I love this meet! I stay with my sister!! Dates have varied from Oct thru Dec, I think Katy J has to work around the existing schedules at Mona Plummer (ie, masters is low man on the totem pole).
Those are the 2 1/2 day format meets I am eyeing. The grand prix series - ask Mark Gill.
I've been going to Long Beach off and on for a long time. It used to be held at Laguna Hills High School back in 1990.
The problem with Belmont Plaza is that it is wet, humid, and has limited deck space. It makes it really hard to get away from the action without leaving the facility.
It has become a little bit routine, and I would like to infuze something different that still has some fast swimming.
The International Gay and *** Aquatics Championships is in College Park, Maryland June 19-22 - and it's a scm meet.
It's open to all :)
The rulebook leaves open the possibility for running the Short Course Nationals as an SCY or SCM meet:
Alternatively, you could just organize a group of swimmers to invade Canada.
Patrick King
You do that (invade, I mean) and we will change all our 25m pool signs to say 25y. All of you "invaders" will reach or glide to a finish after x strokes while we "invadees" will know that there's still another 90 cms to go........
OuahHaHa :bouncing: and will out-touch you.