Since USMS has no designated SCM Nationals there are many of us that would like to find something that comes close.
There has been a December SCM meet in Long Beach that has a lot of the criteria for an excellent winter meet: at or near sea level, indoors, extra warm-up pool, very near end of season.
Please post your feedback on an excellent SCM meet that fills all or most of the criteria. :banana: (sorry, I just like this guy...)
Last year (2007) there were a series of SCM meets in the midwest somewhat (not sure how much) sponsored by TYR. The meets were termed: TYR Masters Grand Prix Series and were held in Louisville, KY 10/27-28, Indianapolis, IN 11/10-11, and Chicago, IL 12/1-2. From what I understand all the venues were top-notch (I only attended the one in Chicago and it was at the University of Chicago). The website is: but it's not updated for this year yet. Keep an eye out--these meets may occur again this year :dunno:.
Last year (2007) there were a series of SCM meets in the midwest somewhat (not sure how much) sponsored by TYR. The meets were termed: TYR Masters Grand Prix Series and were held in Louisville, KY 10/27-28, Indianapolis, IN 11/10-11, and Chicago, IL 12/1-2. From what I understand all the venues were top-notch (I only attended the one in Chicago and it was at the University of Chicago). The website is: but it's not updated for this year yet. Keep an eye out--these meets may occur again this year :dunno:.