Using 2 pools at Nats?

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Former Member
I just finished up day 1 at the PNA champs and I thought it was interesting that they ran even heats and odd heats in different pools. It definitely kept things moving. Does anyone know if the plan is to do the same next month at Nationals?
  • That's right, and swimmers were also allowed to swim both distance races at Ft. Lauderdale. I'm sure the third course was a big factor in the decision to allow this. And, yes, the Federal Way pool has the main 50 meter tank (divided into two 25 yard courses for the meet), the dive tank which is 25 yards across, and a recreational pool. They need the dive tank for warmup and warmdowns, so two courses is the max they can use for competition.
  • That's right, and swimmers were also allowed to swim both distance races at Ft. Lauderdale. I'm sure the third course was a big factor in the decision to allow this. And, yes, the Federal Way pool has the main 50 meter tank (divided into two 25 yard courses for the meet), the dive tank which is 25 yards across, and a recreational pool. They need the dive tank for warmup and warmdowns, so two courses is the max they can use for competition.
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