2008 FINA World Masters Championships

The Schedule of Events for the 2008 FINA World Masters Championships is now posted at (April 15-25, 2008): www.2008finamasters.org/index.php
  • I heard from Ivan Wingate of the 2008 FINA Masters Organizing Committee about this issue. If you are a Masters swimmer wishing to book a room you should go to discoverwest.com.au/.../ It is there that they have the rooms that have been blocked for the 2008 FINA World Masters Championships. I was also told that there are plenty of rooms that are booked for championships and they are still available. If you book at a facility through the organizing committee, then you will have free transportation to Challenge Stadium. If you make your own reservations outside the block, you will be responsible for finding your own transportation to the venue. Of course there will be many of us hiring cars and trying to drive on the wrong side of the road. Watching me try to make a right turn is an exciting experience especially if you are sitting next to me in the car. If you have problems booking through the discoverwest.com.au/.../ website let me know and I will relay it to the organizing committee. It really helps the organizing committee if your book the hotels through their website, that way they will get credit for the hotel room, you should be getting a better price and you will be able to get free transportation to the venue. Ivan said "What is disappointing for Brigid is that she has now booked a 3 star facility, about 10 miles from the Challenge Stadium and 21 miles from the airport - and she'll have to find her own transport. (As you probably*know, Discover West provide transport from the airport and a shuttle service to and from the pool for all those who book through them)." I have spoken with members of the organzing committee and they are working very hard to make the hotel registration as easy as possible and to provide value for the swimmers. If you can book through the FINA Masters web site, it will be greatly appreicated. michael
  • I heard from Ivan Wingate of the 2008 FINA Masters Organizing Committee about this issue. If you are a Masters swimmer wishing to book a room you should go to discoverwest.com.au/.../ It is there that they have the rooms that have been blocked for the 2008 FINA World Masters Championships. I was also told that there are plenty of rooms that are booked for championships and they are still available. If you book at a facility through the organizing committee, then you will have free transportation to Challenge Stadium. If you make your own reservations outside the block, you will be responsible for finding your own transportation to the venue. Of course there will be many of us hiring cars and trying to drive on the wrong side of the road. Watching me try to make a right turn is an exciting experience especially if you are sitting next to me in the car. If you have problems booking through the discoverwest.com.au/.../ website let me know and I will relay it to the organizing committee. It really helps the organizing committee if your book the hotels through their website, that way they will get credit for the hotel room, you should be getting a better price and you will be able to get free transportation to the venue. Ivan said "What is disappointing for Brigid is that she has now booked a 3 star facility, about 10 miles from the Challenge Stadium and 21 miles from the airport - and she'll have to find her own transport. (As you probably*know, Discover West provide transport from the airport and a shuttle service to and from the pool for all those who book through them)." I have spoken with members of the organzing committee and they are working very hard to make the hotel registration as easy as possible and to provide value for the swimmers. If you can book through the FINA Masters web site, it will be greatly appreicated. michael
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