Wasn't impressed

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Although I was very impressed with Sabir the swimmer, I was not impressed with Sabir the person. What was up with him flexing his muscles before the 50 FLY? Is this the NFL/ NBA or is this master's swimming? I didn't appreciate the "hey everyone, look at me" attitude. Swim the race, shake hands with your competitors, and be thankful for the gift God has given you. Don't show up your competitor like a Pro Wrestler. I wonder how much muscle flexing Sabir will do before events at the olympic trials! I have much respect for him for his talent and swimming accomplishments. But after his display before the 50 Fly, I have little respect for him as the person.
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    Swimmer: My oldest son (18 Sr. HS) is a swimmer …He is a great kid…honor student, decent, polite, VERY FAST and considerate. He would NEVER think of talking smack behind the block before a race or acting in a manner that was disrespectful towards other swimmers….Having said that, he has a great sense of humor…if… my son did what Sabir did with the flexing of his muscles….at that point in time…same situation….I would know it was done with good intent…. My point, we teach our kids to strive to be the best they can, to be good guys, have respect for others, kindness, decency, honesty…but we also teach them that life is way to short sometimes….and if can’t laugh and enjoy it…then we are going to live in a rather mundane world….Laughing at ourselves is not poking fun at others…hamming it up is not ridicule…or trash talking….My dollars bet Sabir was just having fun….
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    Amen Tom, Swimmer do you have children? Because I think if my son or daughter had seen this display, they would instantly understood the flavor it was delivered in and enjoyed it. And if they ever are in a situation where they were flexing or whatever, I am fairly certain it would be in the same context as they have been taught respect for their competitors and if anything, their competitors are some of their best friends in this world. Besides, they have also learned what a humbling world swimming is, and the minute they think they are top dog, and the cat's meow, they will get beat! There is always someone there to humble ya.
  • Former Member
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    Originally posted by swimr4life OK...I'll say it for Aquageek..."Lighten up!" I don't think Sabir flexing and hamming it up is going to be a sign of the end of civilized swimming! It was fun. You had to be there to understand the moment. It is no big deal!!!...really! ;) What makes you think we weren't there?
  • Former Member
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    Originally posted by dorothyrd Amen Tom, Swimmer do you have children? Because I think if my son or daughter had seen this display, they would instantly understood the flavor it was delivered in and enjoyed it. And if they ever are in a situation where they were flexing or whatever, I am fairly certain it would be in the same context as they have been taught respect for their competitors and if anything, their competitors are some of their best friends in this world. Besides, they have also learned what a humbling world swimming is, and the minute they think they are top dog, and the cat's meow, they will get beat! There is always someone there to humble ya. I do have children and hope they don't go down this path. Mine aren't at an age that I think they could distinguish between the right and wrong time for something like this. I've known plenty of 18 year olds that wouldn't have known the correct moment either and I've known kids that would rather put the emnphasis on the posing above the emphasis on the swimming. It's all in fun and no harm can come out of it. At least that's what I hear you saying. You're probably right and most likely it isn't going to impact anything one way or another. I guess we'll see. Let's hope they don't start pulling sharpies out of their suits or grabbing cell phones hidden under the block to fire up the crowd. I'm not sure I see the difference though.
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    I think we are making a big deal out of it. I agree we were treating them as celebrities. Everyone present knew what they are capable of and the bottom line is we are not professional swimmers (I don't pretend to offend anyone, I take swimming seriously too, although I think a bit of fun does not harm anybody.
  • Former Member
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    I think we have to agree to disagree. What you saw was distasteful to you and you have a right to feel that way. Just remember that as your children get older that you and them have to have a sense of humor in certain situations, it just makes life easier. And of course we all have to learn when the proper time for that sense of humor is. Have a great day, don't mean to upset you in anyway. :)
  • Former Member
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    Originally posted by swimmer Ask youself how you are going to feel when kids start to emulate this behavior. How are you going to feel about that? If you are fine with it then why not encourage all kids to adopt it as part of their pre-race ritual. Let's get the parents pumped up! I can just see the pre-swim posedown between a couple of big kids. That'll add lots of excitement to agegroup meets. And when the skinny 10 year olds pick it up, that'll be way cool. Yes, I'm old school and I can hear geek telling me to lighten up but I'm not going to. I agree this is bad form. Oh geez.... Not every little thing grows to become an extreme case. And if the parents have so little control over their kids that one little public display of emotion is going to dmage them for life... It's not gonna be Sabir's thing that's gonna do it. f theyr'e that hopelesly impressionable, they've aleady been 'damaged' Don't get me started on parent's responsibilities to explain and educate kids to put things into perspective and proper context. People need to teach kids how to deal with things in life, rather than trying to control what th world is going to do. Controling the world is a huge effort in futility and a nice setup for disappointment. okay, I'm off the soapbox... for now.
  • Former Member
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    First you have the designer steroid scandal, then Kobe Bryant's arrest, and now this. It's a slippery slope indeed.
  • Former Member
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    Originally posted by gull80 First you have the designer steroid scandal, then Kobe Bryant's arrest, and now this. It's a slippery slope indeed. It is indeed. I'll do my best to live up to Connies parenting expectations. I gather she's an expert.
  • Originally posted by "swimr4life": Pool temp...now that is something we can all agree on! Oh? I don't think so! :D Not even going to go there.